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Mathael  clairvoyant  experiences  concerning 





Excerpts  from  THE  GREAT  GOSPEL  OF  JOHN 
(main  work  of  THE  NEW  REVELATION  of  JESUS  CHRIST] 


From  1840  to  1864,  and  from  1870  to  1877,  JESUS  CHRIST  dictated  to  the  Austrian  musician  lakob 
Lorber  and  to  German  Gottfried  Mayerhofer  the  greatest  and  largest  spiritual  message  ever 
offered  to  humanity. 

The  revelations  were  received  by  the  two  scribes  of  the  Lord  through  Inner  Word,  meaning  Lorber 
and  later,  Mayerhofer  heard  them  very  clearly  in  the  region  of  their  heart  and  wrote  them  faithfully 
down,   without  adding  any  personal   contribution.   They  were   perfectly  awake,   they  didn't 

experience  any  states  of  altered  consciousness,  nor  were  they  some  mediums  for  automatic  writing 
whose  hands  were  guided  by  a  spirit-entity. 

The  writings  of  Lorber  and  Mayerhofer,  comprising  tens  of  volumes  are  known  as  THE  NEW 
REVELATION,  the  extraordinary  spiritual  teaching  that  JESUS  CHRIST  brought  to  mankind,  almost 
2000  years  after  his  earthly  life. 

As  we  find  out  in  The  Great  Gospel  of  John  (Lord's  word  through  Jakob  Lorber],  Mathael  was  a 

young  Pharisee  who  became  an  famous  killer  and  robber,  because  of  a  heavy  demonic  possession. 
The  Lord  delivered  him  and  his  four  comrades  who  endured  the  same  fate  and  Mathael  proved  to 
be  a  high  spirit  from  above  who  had  very  important  spiritual  experiences  since  childhood.  In  the 
following  chapters  of  "The  Great  Gospel  of  John"  he  describes  several  deaths  and  the  beginning  of 
afterlife  in  the  cases  of  some  people  he  met  while  traveling,  as  a  young  boy,  with  his  father  who  was 
a  doctor.  The  Lord  adds  all  necessary  explanations  to  the  facts  presented  by  Mathael. 
The  history  of  Mathael's  healing  and  previous  life  can  be  found  in  Book  6  of  "The  Great  Gospel  of 
John",  starting  with  chapter  6,  while  the  following  are  from  Book  9  starting  with  chapter  59. 

Fear  of  death 

Separation  of  soul  and  body  after  death 

The  process  of  separation  of  soul  and  body  (explanation) 

What  Mathael  saw  during  the  execution  of  the  robbers  and  murderers 

Criticism  on  the  roman  punishments 

The  end  of  the  crucified  robbers  and  murderers 

The  development  of  the  souls  of  the  robbers  and  murderers 

Mathael's  experience  while  going  to  the  dying  father  of  Lazarus 

The  rabbi  tries  to  resurrect  the  old  Lazarus 

The  spirit  of  Lazarus  testifies  of  the  Messiah 

The  rabbi  does  not  keep  his  word 

The  life's  story  of  the  old  Lazarus 

Explanation  of  the  phenomena  during  Lazarus'  death 

The  deadly  fall  of  the  curious  boy 

The  suicide  of  the  Essene  who  was  cursed  by  the  temple 

The  condition  of  the  souls  of  the  two  people  who  were  killed 

Explanation  about  the  soul  in  the  beyond 

Different  kinds  of  suicide 

The  widow  and  her  poisonous  sphere 

Healing  with  the  poison  of  snakes 

Death  of  the  widow  and  her  daughter 

Development  of  the  souls  of  the  two  deceased  women 

The  poison  in  minerals,  plants,  animals  and  man 

The  poisonous  condition  of  the  widow  and  her  daughter  (explanation) 

Fear  of  death 

[1]  (The  Lord:]  "The  becoming  to  be  of  a  thing,  a  being  or  even  a  person  does  always  carry 
something  joyful  in  it,  but  the  visible  disintegration  and  the  dissolving,  especially  of  a  person,  is 
only  something  sad,  which  fills  the  feelings  of  every  person  with  melancholy. 

[2]  But  I  ask  and  say:  Yes,  why  so,  if  there  is  still  a  belief  left  in  people  about  the  immortality  of  the 
human  soul?!  The  reason  lies  deeper  than  you  might  think.  Foremost  this  sadness  originates  from 
the  fear  of  death  and  afterwards  many  others,  which  I  cannot  reveal  to  you  all  at  once,  in  order  not 
to  confuse  you  in  this  and  soon  in  something  else. 

[3]  Once  a  soul  has  been  completely  reborn  and  gone  over  in  all  true  life  activity,  all  sadness  and  all 
the  empty  fear  of  dying  or  passing  away  is  of  course  something  of  the  past;  but  with  souls  who  do 
not  have  reached  the  right  degree  of  the  inner  life  perfection  yet,  there  always  remains  something 
of  a  sadness  about  their  diseased  next  of  kin  and  in  themselves  something  of  a  fear  about  death,  of 
which  they  in  this  world  can  only  completely  rid  themselves,  if  their  soul  in  their  spirit  and  the 
spirit  in  it  has  grown  up. 

[4]  Just  look  at  a  properly  spoiled  child,  if  it  has  not  been  in  time  made  used  to  more  and  more 
activity,  what  a  terrible  sad  face  it  will  make,  if  after  the  twelfth  year  it  must  perform  a  serious  and 

continuous  work,  although  within  the  boundaries  of  its  strength!  It  starts  to  cry,  becomes  full  of 
sadness,  full  of  sullenness,  full  of  annoyance  and  also  full  of  rage  against  those  who  started  to  drive 
it  to  a  continuous  work. 

[5]  Compare  it  with  a  child  of  the  same  age,  which  has  been  from  its  earliest  youth  kept  busy  with 
serious  work  according  to  its  compatible  strength!  How  joyful  and  with  how  much  pleasure  will 
such  a  child  romp  about  the  whole  day,  without  becoming  tired! 

[6]  Just  like  a  sluggish  soul  has  a  great  fear  about  all  serious  and  continuous  work,  from  the  same 
source  originates  the  fear  about  death  in  the  soul,  yes  even  about  a  somewhat  dangerous  illness. 

[7]  You  also  will  have  quite  often  experienced  the  opportunity,  that  quite  diligent  and  very  busy 
people  by  far  does  not  have  such  a  great  fear  about  death,  as  those  work-shy  but  nevertheless 
pleasure  seeking  and  lascivious  people;  and  this  fear  does  not  disappear,  until  such  souls  have 
taken  up  the  serious  job. 

[8]  You  of  course  think  that  this  fear  is  only  a  result  of  the  uncertainty  of  knowledge  and 
recognition  of  the  beyond.  But  I  say  to  you  all:  Absolutely  not,  it  is  only  the  result  of  a  deep  rooted 
work  shyness  of  the  soul,  and  because  the  soul  feels  it  secretly  that  with  the  removal  of  her  body 
her  further  existence  will  be  highly  active,  she  is  quite  disconsolate  about  it  and  falls  into  a  kind  of 
fever,  in  which  then  also  a  kind  of  uncertainty  about  the  future  existence  arises.  -  think  about  this  a 
little  and  we  will  continue  with  this  very  important  matter!" 

[9]  Upon  these  My  words,  Mathael  stands  up  and  says:  "If  it  is  permitted,  I  want  to  add  a  word  to 
this  matter  for  the  better  understanding!" 

[9]  I  said:  "Just  keep  on  talking  what  you  know  and  how  you  understand  it;  since  your  knowledge 
and  insight  is  standing  on  the  best  ground!"  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  59] 

Separation  of  soul  and  body  after  death 

"[1]  Thereupon  Mathael  started  to  speak  and  his  words  sounded  as  follows:  "Dear  friends  and 
brothers,  I  do  not  know  how  I  came  to  it,  that  by  times  from  my  earliest  onwards  I  could  see  spirits 
and  could  even  talk  to  them,  what  then  also  was  a  main  reason  why  I  in  fact  stepped  into  the  walls 
of  the  temple;  since  I  was  told  that  therein  the  spirits  who  became  quite  tiresome  would  not  have 
any  power  over  me  anymore,  and  that  from  then  on  I  also  would  not  see  them  again.  Now,  this  was 
correct  and  quite  in  order;  because  when  I  dressed  myself  with  the  consecrated  clothes  of  the 
temple,  my  seeing  of  spirits  came  to  a  complete  end!  How  and  why  I  cannot  say;  but  it  is  completely 
true  and  correct. 

[2]  Although  I  have  been  freed  from  this  plague  by  the  walls  and  the  clothes  of  the  temple,  the 
spirits  still  knew  how  to  revenge  themselves  in  another  manner.  My  subsequent  dreadful  state  of 
being  possessed  was  surely  a  sorrowful  result  of  it!  Anything  further  about  my  extremely 
unfortunate  state  is  known  and  I  do  not  have  to  waste  a  single  word  about  it.  But  from  my  earlier 
state  of  seeing  spirits  I  still  remember  a  few  occurrences,  and  if  I  tel  you  my  new  friends  and 
brothers  now  a  few  events,  I  think  that  at  least  at  this  occasion  I  can  serve  you  with  a  small  service. 

[3]  When  I  was  about  seven  or  already  eight  years  old,  five  people  suddenly  died  of  a  plague-like 
epidemic;  it  was  the  neighbor's  wife,  two  of  the  elder  daughters  and  two  otherwise  absolutely 
healthy  maidens. 

[4]  It  was  however  strange  that  from  this  unusual  epidemic  only  grown  up  and  otherwise 
absolutely  healthy  maidens  and  women  died.  When  in  the  neighbors  house  the  wife  became  ill, 
while  the  day  before  already  the  two  daughters  and  the  two  maidens  died,  the  neighbor  came  full  of 
desperation  and  grief  to  us  and  imploringly  asked  us  help  him  to,  if  possible,  save  his  wife  from 
death;  for  my  father,  who  owned  quite  a  nice  property  nearby  Jerusalem  and  who  also  lived  there 
most  of  the  time,  was  also  a  doctor  during  emergencies,  and  it  therefore  was  more  a  kind  of  duty,  to 
follow  the  call  of  the  unfortunate  neighbor.  That  I  was  not  allowed  to  stay  at  home  you  will  easily 
gather  from  the  circumstances,  that  I  not  very  seldom  gave  my  father  quite  good  remedies,  since  my 
spirits  not  seldom  trustingly  revealed  them  to  me. 

[5]  My  father  was  very  confident  that  I  will  meet  with  spirits  in  the  house  of  the  neighbor,  who  will 
tell  me  something  to  cure  the  critically  ill  neighbor's  wife,  and  so  I  was  nolens  volens  (meaning:  if  I 
wanted  to  or  not]  taken  along.  My  father  was  not  mistaken;  I  actually  saw  a  lot  of  spirits  -  surely  a 
mix  of  good  and  bad  ones.  But  with  the  recommendation  of  a  curing  remedy  there  was  nothing 
happening  this  time  round;  since  a  great  spirit  dressed  in  a  light  gray  pleated  dress,  said  to  me, 
when  I  approached  him  about  a  cure  on  request  of  my  father:  'Look  at  the  person  who  passed  away! 
Her  soul  already  rises  above  the  pit  of  her  chest,  which  is  the  usual  exit  of  the  soul  from  the  body!' 

[6]  I  now  had  a  closer  look  at  the  dying  person.  From  the  pit  of  the  chest  a  white  smoke  rose, 
increasingly  expanded  above  the  pit  of  the  chest  and  also  became  increasingly  denser;  but  I  could 
not  see  anything  about  a  human  form.  When  I  looked  at  it  questionably,  the  light  gray  large  spirit 
said  to  me:  'Just  look  how  the  soul  leaves  her  earthly  residence  forever!'  But  I  said:  'Why  does  this 
parting  soul  has  no  form,  while  all  of  you  who  are  also  souls,  have  very  proper  human  forms?'  Said 
the  spirit:  'Just  wait  a  little;  when  the  soul  has  left  the  body  completely  she  will  collect  herself 
properly  and  will  then  become  quite  beautiful  and  friendly  to  look  at!' 

[7]  When  I  saw  the  mist  still  expanding  and  condensing  above  the  pit  of  the  chest  of  the  ill  person, 
the  body  was  still  alive  and  groaned  now  and  then  like  someone  who  is  plagued  by  a  heavy  dream. 
After  about  the  quarter  of  time  of  a  roman  hour,  the  mist,  the  size  of  a  twelve  year  old  girl,  floated 
about  two  spans  above  the  dying  body  of  the  woman  and  was  only  connected  to  the  pit  of  the  chest 
by  a  finger  thick  column  of  vapor.  The  column  had  a  reddish  color,  became  longer  and  shortened 
again;  but  after  each  elongation  and  shortening  this  column  of  vapor  became  thinner,  and  the  body 
entered  into  a  visible  painful  convulsions. 

[8]  After  about  two  roman  hours  of  time,  this  column  of  vapor  became  completely  free  from  the  pit 
of  the  chest  and  the  lower  end  looked  like  a  plant  with  many  root  fibers.  In  that  moment  when  the 
vapor  column  was  completely  separated  from  the  pit  of  the  chest,  I  observed  two  appearances.  The 
first  consisted  of  the  complete  dying  of  the  body,  and  the  second,  that  the  very  white  misty  vapor 
mass  transformed  within  a  moment  into  the  well-known  wife  of  the  neighbor.  She  immediately 
clothed  herself  with  a  white,  pleating  rich  shirt,  greeted  all  the  surrounding  friendly  spirits,  but  also 
asked  pertinently  where  she  is  right  now  and  what  happened  to  her;  she  was  also  quite  amazed 
about  the  nice  area  where  she  was  now. 

[9]  But  from  the  area  I  couldn't  see  anything.  I  therefore  asked  my  large  light-gray  where  this  nice 
area  could  be  seen.  And  the  spirit  said:  'You  cannot  see  this  from  your  body;  since  it  is  only  a 
product  of  the  life  imagination  of  the  person  who  passed  away  and  will  only  later  change  into  a 

larger  and  more  permanent  reality!'  With  these  words  I  was  put  off  and  the  spirit  started  to  speak 
in  a  tongue  completely  foreign  to  me;  but  he  must  have  said  something  very  pleasant  to  the  now 
free  soul  because  her  face  became  very  joyful. 

[10]  But  it  was  odd  to  me,  that  the  now  free  soul  apparently  did  not  worry  at  all  what  has  happened 
to  her  earlier  body;  she  immediately  conversed  quite  well  with  the  spirits,  but  everything  in  a  very 
foreign  tongue.  After  a  while  also  the  two  daughters  and  the  two  maidens  who  passed  away  were 
guided  to  her  and  greeted  her  former  mother  and  mistress  in  a  most  friendly  manner,  but  not  as  if 
the  first  two  were  her  daughters  and  the  other  two  were  her  former  service  maidens,  but  as  real, 
true,  good  friend  and  sister,  and  this  in  a  foreign  and  completely  incomprehensible  tongue  to  me. 
But  no  one  looked  like  if  worrying  in  the  slightest  about  their  former  body  which  certainly  is  kept  in 
honor;  it  also  seems  that  they  do  not  see  anyone  of  us  mortals. 

[11]  Though  strange,  that  the  soul  of  the  just  passing  away  woman,  immediately  after  the  exit  from 
the  body,  still  expressed  her  amazement  about  the  beautiful  surrounding  in  Hebrew;  but  after  she 
has  so  to  speak  collected  and  condensed  herself  more,  she  made  use  of  a  language,  which,  according 
to  my  poor  knowledge  is  not  spoken  on  the  whole  earth  and  among  all  its  mortal  people. 

[12]  I  therefore  turned  again  to  my  light-gray  and  asked  him:  'What  is  it  the  five  new  arrivals  in 
your  kingdom  are  talking  about  and  in  what  tongue?' 

[13]  Said  the  light-gray:  'What  a  curious  boy  you  are!  They  are  talking  for  the  sake  of  you  in  this 
specific  spirit  tongue,  because  they  do  not  want  to  be  overheard  by  you;  since  they  know  and  feel  it 
quite  accurately,  that  you  are  here  as  someone  who  can  see  and  speak  to  the  spirits  from  his  body 
just  like  a  Burmese  from  High-India.  They  also  know  and  feel  it  that  their  bodies  are  still  here;  but  it 
does  not  concern  them  more  as  an  old  shirt  to  you  which  you  have,  as  totally  shredded,  thrown 
away.  You  could  now  show  them  all  the  kingdoms  on  earth  with  the  prospect  of  a  life  full  of  health 
for  a  thousand  years,  they  would  still  never  return  to  their  bodies!  But  this  what  they  are  talking 
about  you  would  not  understand,  even  if  it  was  in  your  tongue;  since  they  now  see  in  this  very 
moment,  that  the  great  promised  One  is  already  as  a  person  on  the  physical  world,  although  only  as 
a  tender  child.  If  you  are  a  man,  you  will  recognize  Him  in  Galilee.' 

[14]  This  was  all  the  information  which  the  light  gray  quite  courteously  and  friendly  revealed  to  me. 
This  was  certainly  a  very  memorable  occasion,  which  I  have  seen  as  a  boy  at  that  time  just  as  true 
and  vividly  as  I  see  you  all  right  now;  and  that  the  light-gray  did  not  tell  me  any  untruths,  the  proof 
lies  therein,  that  I  now  have  found  You,  o  Lord,  actually  in  Galilee,  just  like  the  light-gray  have  told 

[15]  I  just  want  to  know  a  little  more  why  the  soul  during  the  moment  of  separation  rises  as  a  mist 
from  the  pit  of  the  chest,  and  why  not  as  a  fully  developed  human  form.  -  Lord,  You  most  loving, 
You  wisest  Master  of  all  life,  could  You  give  us  an  explanation  about  it?"  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John 
Book  9,  chap.  60] 

The  process  of  separation  of  soul  and  body 

"[1]  I  said:  "This  you  should  have  straight  away;  and  so  listen  then!  The  visible  mist  -  nevertheless 
the  size  of  a  person  is  the  result  of  the  great  distress  of  the  soul  during  the  moment  of  separation,  in 
which  she,  because  of  all  the  fear  and  terror,  is  for  a  few  moments  kind  of  unconscious. 

[2]  It  is  an  extraordinary  activity  strain  for  the  separating  soul,  to  maintain  herself  in  her  self- 
conscious  existence.  All  her  parts  are  placed  in  an  exceptionally  violent  vibration,  so  that  even  the 
sharpest  eye  of  a  spirit  cannot  discern  any  specific  form. 

[3]  An  example  from  nature  would  be  the  deep  sounding  string  of  a  harp.  When  pulled  strongly,  for 
some  time  it  will  quickly  vibrate  back  and  forth  so  that  you  can  see  the  body  also  only  as  a 
transparent  mist-like  thread;  after  the  string  has  ended  its  vibration,  its  actual  form  becomes  visible 
again  as  a  result  of  its  state  of  rest. 

[4]  You  have  the  same  phenomenon  when  looking  at  a  humming  fly,  whose  wings  you  can  only  see 
as  wings  after  the  fly  has  stopped  flying  and  thereby  also  stopped  humming;  during  the  state  of 
flying  you  only  saw  it  surrounded  by  a  small  cloud  of  mist. 

[5]  When  the  soul  exits  during  the  moment  of  separation  from  the  destroyed,  sheared  and  in  future 
unusable  body,  it  often  vibrates  in  span  long  oscillations,  and  this  so  fast,  that  you  can  take  it  as  one 
thousand  oscillations  to  and  fro  and  up  and  down  in  one  moment;  during  the  time  of  such  soul 
vibrations  it  is  for  the  allotted  viewer  completely  impossible  to  discern  any  kind  of  a  human  form. 
After  a  while  the  soul  subsides  more  and  more  and  becomes  visible  as  a  human  form;  once  it  enters 
a  state  of  complete  rest,  which  occurs  immediately  after  the  final  separation,  it  can  be  seen  as  a 
perfect  human  form,  provided,  that  it  is  not  too  much  deformed  by  all  kind  of  former  sins.  -  Do  you 
understand  this?" 

[6]  Says  Mathael:  "0  Lord,  You  most  Wise,  how  could  I  not  understand  it  most  clearly?  You  have 
made  this  phenomenon  so  clear  that  I  can  touch  it  with  my  hands!  But  now,  Lord  -  forgive  me  my 
thirst  for  knowledge  -  I  also  would  like  to  know,  in  which  tongue  the  five  souls  talked  to  each  other! 
I  myself  am  able  to  speak  various  tongues;  but  despite  this  I  could  not  understand  one  syllable  what 
they  have  spoken  to  each  other.  Is  there  in  this  world  any  similar  tongue?" 

[7]  I  said:  "0  yes,  the  Burmanese  priests  are  in  possession  of  this  tongue  (i.e.  Sanskrit],  and  this  was 
the  primordial  language  of  the  first  people  on  this  earth;  yours,  the  old  Egyptian,  and  amongst 
others  also  that  of  the  Greek,  originates  nearly  completely  from  this  one  and  first  language  of 
mankind.  Do  you  think  that  you  would  understand  father  Abraham,  Isaac  and  Jacob  if  they  would  be 
here  talking  like  they  have  talked  once?  0  certainly  not,  you  would  not  understand  one  word!  You 
already  have  difficulty  to  understand  the  books  of  Moses,  which  are  nearly  a  thousand  years 
younger  than  Abraham,  how  much  less  the  arch  fathers  themselves!  Yes,  many  things  have  changed 
for  the  Jews,  also  the  language,  without  a  second  Babylonian  language  chaos.  Do  you  also 
understand  this?" 

[8]  Says  Mathael:  "0  Lord,  also  regarding  this  I'm  in  the  clear  now;  I  believe  also  all  the  others,  and 
as  such  in  the  name  of  all  I  would  like  to  implore  You  for  further  teachings!" 

[9]  I  said:  "These  will  not  be  missing;  but  you  have  made  a  lot  of  experiences  in  the  field  of  dying 
and  must  therefore  tel  us  the  most  noteworthy  for  the  sake  of  your  brothers.  If  something  is  unclear 
to  you  or  somebody  else,  I  will  make  it  clear  for  you. 

[10]  I  have  previously  showed  you  the  becoming  to  be  until  the  point  of  transition  by  the  loss  of 
matter.  The  bodily  death  is  still  the  fright  of  all  creatures.  The  reason  for  it  I  have  explained  to  you 
in  all  shortness;  same  will  at  another  opportunity  be  explained  more  extensively  to  you.  But  now 
you  can  start  speaking  again!" 

[11]  Says  Mathael:  "0  Lord,  only  because  of  Your  so  exceedingly  loving  instructions  I  will  tell  more 
such  cases,  as  I  have  seen  them  with  the  eyes  of  my  soul!"  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap. 

What  Mathael  saw  during  the  execution  of  the  robbers  and  murderers 

[1]  (Mathael:]  "When  I  was  a  boy  twelve  years  of  age  and  already  able  to  think  and  to  speak 
seriously  like  a  man,  several  robbers  and  murderers  of  the  worst  kind  were  destined  to  be  crucified 
in  Jerusalem.  There  were  seven  of  them.  At  that  stage  it  caused  a  great  sensation,  not  only  in 
Jerusalem  but  also  far  and  wide  in  the  whole  country.  At  that  time  a  certain  Cornelius,  a  Roman 
senior  captain,  was  the  ad  interim  governor.  He  was  exceedingly  upset  about  these  arch  villains, 
since  they  killed  the  trapped  people  truly  tiger-like  and  in  an  indescribable  horrible  manner 
tortured  them  to  death  just  for  pleasure  and  the  longer  they  were  able  to  torture  them  the  more  fun 
they  had.  In  short,  the  reference  'devil'  would  be  far  too  good  and  honest  for  them!" 

[2]  Here  Cornelius  interrupts  him  and  says:  "Friend,  do  not  forget  your  words  that  are  very 
precious  to  me!  But  I  must  note  here  in  support  of  your  faithful  story,  that  I  was  this  Cornelius!  And 
now  you  can  continue;  since  until  now  there  was  not  a  single  untrue  syllable  among  it!" 

[3]  Continues  Mathael:  "Very  quietly  and  notion-wise  I  thought  so,  since  your  face  is  from  that  time 
on  still  familiar,  and  it  is  for  this  my  story  even  better,  that  in  your  high  personality  certainly  a 
speaking  and  most  trustworthy  witness  is  present!  And  as  such  hear  me  out! 

[4]  Because  the  described  seven  were  such  evil  devils,  Cornelius  decided  to  carry  on  with  them  in  a 
most  gruesome  manner  as  a  deterrent  example.  This  included  that  they  were  prepared  for  death  for 
fourteen  full  days  and  during  that  time  tortures  which  they  could  expect  were  read  to  them  daily  in 
the  most  glowing  colors;  by  the  way,  during  this  time  of  fright  they  were  quite  well  fed,  to  make 
them  experience  life's  pleasantness,  so  that  the  expected  most  tortures  death  appears  even  more 
bitterly  to  them. 

[5]  I  have  visited  these  criminals  with  my  father  five  times,  and  in  the  end  saw  them  steaming  and 
smoking  still  like  a  half  charred  and  still  glowing  wooden  log;  and  this  smoke  and  steam  spread  at 
least  for  my  nose  an  intolerable  stench  which  most  certainly  does  not  have  its  likeness  on  this 
earth!  The  longer  they  were  exposed  and  the  nearer  their  doomsday  came,  the  more  penetratingly 
became  the  steam,  smoke  and  stench.  It  goes  without  saying  that  the  seven  devils  started  to  change 
their  color  more  than  a  chameleon. 

[6]  Finally  their  doomsday  arrived.  The  henchmen  and  bailiffs  came  and  the  seven  were  openly  in 
the  presence  of  thousands  undressed  except  for  their  private  parts  and  were  bloodily  castigated.  I 
could  see  this  execution  only  from  far  off,  but  still  could  see  how  during  this  treatment  a  great 

number  of  black  bats  left  the  castigated  like  a  swarm  of  bees  and  flew  away;  also  like  small  flying 
dragons  rose  from  the  castigated,  and  they  already  steamed  and  smoked  quite  less. 

[7]  But  when  looking  a  bit  closer  I  discovered  soon  and  easily  that  this  steam  and  smoke  seized 
itself  in  all  kind  of  horrible  forms,  which  then  as  the  earlier  indicated  black  bats  flew  away;  also  the 
small  dragons  developed  from  it.  How  many  of  such  creatures  from  hell  might  have  left  the  seven 
during  the  past  fourteen  days?! 

[8]  After  the  seven  have  been  castigated  in  a  most  barbaric  manner,  I  discovered  that  their  earlier 
very  devilish  looking  faces  started  to  look  somewhat  more  human  and  that  the  offenders  began  to 
become  weaker  and  more  frightful;  they  appeared  to  me  like  drunks,  who  almost  have  no  idea  what 
is  happening  to  them.  The  whole  thing  looked  quite  peculiar  to  me,  how  these  former  brutes  began 
to  change  into  a  kind  of  lamb  nature. 

[9]  After  the  castigation  seven  crosses  were  delivered  and  each  criminal  had  to  carry  one  on  his 
shoulder  to  Golgotha,  which  was  for  a  long  time  already  the  general  place  of  execution  of  the 
Romans;  but  nobody  was  able  to  carry  the  load  of  death  for  only  one  step,  despite  being  pushed,  hit 
and  abused.  Therefore  a  big  cart  was  brought  in  with  two  strong  oxen  in  front,  first  the  crosses 
were  loaded  and  then  the  criminals  on  top  and  everything  was  tied  together  with  cords  and  chains 
before  driving  out  to  Golgotha. 

[10]  On  arrival,  alongside  me  and  my  father  not  too  many  folks  followed  because  of  the  too  dreadful 
cruelties,  everything  was  untied,  the  blood  dripping  criminals  thrown  off  the  cart  and  one  by  one 
bound  enormously  solid  to  the  cross  bars  with  very  coarse  ropes  containing  entwined  thorns;  the 
crosses  were  then  placed  into  the  holes  which  had  been  previously  carved  into  the  stone.  Only  now 
the  criminals  started  to  howl  and  wail  most  terribly! 

[11]  This  must  have  caused  them  unbearable  pain;  since  first  they  were  already  completely  torn  to 
pieces  by  the  flagellation  -  secondly  by  the  ropes  with  entwined  thorns,  and  thirdly  by  the  coarse 
and  rough  wood!  Because  a  cross  like  this,  nevertheless  how  firm,  is  still  left  as  rough  as  possible 
and  must  cause  any  very  healthy  person  tied  to  it  the  most  unbearable  pain  at  the  hands,  feet  and 
body,  not  mentioning  to  those  who  already  were  torn  to  pieces  beyond  measure.  I  have  only  added 
this  to  the  scene  which  I  observed  very  closely,  that  you  my  brothers  in  the  face  of  the  Lord  can 
more  easily  understand  the  following,  but  at  the  same  time  also  to  show,  how  the  high  Cornelius 
fulfilled  his  judgment  unchangingly  to  the  dot. 

[12]  The  longer  the  seven  hang  on  the  cross,  the  more  hideous  became  their  screams  and  the  more 
awful  their  blaspheme  and  curses,  until  after  about  three  hours  very  hoarse  and  completely 
voiceless  only  a  bloody  slaver  was  driven  from  their  mouths  since  they  have  bitten  their  tongues 
and  lips  in  small  pieces.  After  seven  full  hours  they  started  to  quiet  down  and  it  appeared  if  a 
nervous  impact  were  hitting  them  simultaneously. 

[13]  I  must  openly  confess,  as  much  as  they  have  acted  as  true  devils  in  their  free  state  and  certainly 
no  person  in  the  whole  of  Jerusalem  and  Judea  existed  who  would  have  pitied  any  one  of  the  seven, 
in  the  end  the  matter  did  not  appeared  to  me  as  quite  right!  But  as  the  case  may  be,  the  law 
prescribes  this  and  in  the  eyes  of  the  world  they  deserved  it! 

[14]  What  we  have  now  heard  and  seen  out  of  Your  mouth,  o  Lord,  at  that  stage  of  course  no  person 
had  the  slightest  idea  about,  and  so  it  was  right  and  equitable,  to  punish  these  seven  with  the 
sharpest  severity  of  the  law  as  a  deterrent  example  for  the  many  who  walked  similar  ways.  But  as 

outraging  horrible  the  whole  story  was  until  now,  everything  was  purely  nothing  against  that,  what 
I  will  tell  you  immediately  afterwards. 

[15]  From  the  seven  a  strange  kind  of  absolute  soot-black  mist  and  smoke  started  to  develop  above 
the  area  of  the  pit  of  the  chest  and  grew  and  grew  to  double  the  size  of  those  hanging  on  the  cross;  I 
also  noticed  a  certain  rope  of  mist  whereby  the  exiting  mist  was  connected  to  the  still  feverishly  and 
convulsively  twitching  body.  The  black  smoke  mass,  however,  did  not  develop  into  a  human  form, 
but  into  most  horrible,  biggest  and  completely  black  tigers  that  were  striped  as  with  blood.  When 
these  black  monsters  were  sufficiently  developed,  they  soon  started  to  terribly  frightfully  rave  and 
tried  to  separate  themselves  from  the  body  with  all  force.  But  to  no  avail;  since  the  life  strings  were 
so  stubborn,  that  they  could  not  be  torn  by  any  violent  act. 

[16]  The  scene  looked  too  chaotic  and  horrible  to  me,  and  since  it  was  already  a  good  hour  after 
midday,  I  and  my  father  went  home,  and  only  when  on  our  way  I  told  my  father  everything  I  have 
seen  during  the  crucifixion.  He  confessed  to  me  not  having  seen  something  similar,  but  observed 
diligently  my  eyes  and  from  their  staring  to  and  fro  he  knew  that  I  was  seeing  something  unusual; 
and  from  the  loyalty  of  my  words  he  accepted  that  I  did  not  tell  him  anything  untruthful.  He,  as  a 
doctor  in  an  emergency  and  at  the  same  time  a  philosopher  and  theologian,  found  a  lot  of 
noteworthiness  in  it,  although,  despite  all  his  philosophy  and  theology,  could  not  make  anything 
more  of  my  narrative  than  I  am;  but  he  decided  to  go  back  to  the  scene  in  late  afternoon,  so  that  I 
could  make  more  observations,  and  to  tell  the  Sadducees  when  the  opportunity  would  arrive  in  a 
rather  crude  way,  that  they  are  the  biggest  oxen  and  donkeys,  if  they  deny  the  immortality  of  the 
human  soul."  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  62] 

Criticism  on  the  roman  punishments 

[1]  (Mathael:]  "We  ourselves  had  an  arch  Sadducee  with  all  his  family  as  a  neighbor,  who  was  as  a 
person  quite  civilized,  good  and  tolerant,  but  with  whom  one  never  could  speak  a  word  about  God 
and  the  immortality  of  the  soul.  He  regarded  everyone  as  highly  limited  minded  who  believed  in 
such  things  and  about  me  he  said  that  I  had  the  best  talents  to  become  a  poet,  since  I  had  such  a 
living  imagination.  In  short,  by  times  my  father  spend  a  lot  of  effort  on  him,  but  it  was  all  in  vain. 

[2]  This  time  my  father  asked  him  if  he  did  not  want  to  come  with  us  to  Golgotha.  And  he  said:  'Not 
for  the  whole  world!  I  cannot  look  at  an  animal  dying  or  even  been  slaughtered,  not  mentioning 
humans,  despite  they  had  committed  even  more  atrocities  than  those  seven.  If  tearing  beasts  come 
close  to  us,  good,  you  hunt  them  down  to  put  them  out  of  action,  and  by  doing  so  you  have  served 
humanity  well!  One  should  also  do  it  with  such  people  who  are  not  good  anymore  for  a  peace  loving 
human  society!  One  should  simply  kill  them,  but  they  should  not  be  tortured;  since  they  can't  help  it 
in  the  least  that  they  have  become  tearing  beasts!  Nature,  temperament,  complexion  and 
upbringing  are  always  the  causes  for  such  degenerations. 

[3]  But  if  one  says  that  this  is  done  as  a  deterrent  example,  I  can  only  start  laughing  about  it;  since 
we,  as  peaceful  and  properly  educated  people,  do  not  need  a  deterrent  example,  and  for  those  who 
are  targeted  will  not  be  any  fools,  to  come  here,  to  quite  comfortably  look  at  the  seven  deterrent 


[4]  But  most  certainly  will  these  examples  have  the  praiseworthy  effect,  that  the  other  criminals 
who  are  not  yet  caught  -  perhaps  a  thousand  in  number  -  will  subsequently  inflict  a  lot  more 
cruelty  to  those  falling  into  their  hands  than  until  now!  Especially  a  Roman  can  be  congratulated 
who  easily  can  be  lucky  enough  to  become  a  victim  of  the  still  free  criminals!  Truly,  for  all  the 
treasures  of  the  world  I  do  not  want  to  be  in  his  skin!  This  can  be  the  only  advantage  of  such  too 
martial  law! 

[5]  Who  cannot  remember  the  times  before  the  Romans?!  The  laws  were  always  of  a  serious  nature, 
but  at  least  reasonable,  and  one  never  heard  something  about  great  cruelties.  But  now  the  wise 
heathens  have  blessed  us  with  the  most  sharpest  political  and  martial  laws,  those  high  pompous 
improvers  of  worlds  and  conquerors  of  countries  and  cities,  and  despite  the  tenfold  reinforced 
roman  guards,  on  the  roads  of  our  promised  land  cruelties  are  committed,  which  a  civilized  person 
cannot  be  told  anymore,  without  fainting  ten  times!  Therefore  just  go  alone  and  look  at  the  seven 
examples  of  the  true  roman  cruelty,  which  will  soon  have  a  seventy-fold  response  from  the  other 
side  as  a  result! 

[6]  People  should  stay  people  since  everlasting  nature  has  raised  them  as  humans  above  itself!  But 
if  man  with  all  his  so  high  praising  mind  in  the  end  becomes  an  even  by  far  more  gruesome  animal 
than  all  the  most  tearing  beasts  of  the  woods,  than  man  has  lost  it  all,  and  it  is  high  time  that  we  go 
to  the  wild  and  tearing  beasts  in  the  woods,  to  learn  from  them  natural  humanity!  Just  go  to 
Golgotha,  to  this  most  cursed  place  on  earth,  which  is  saturated  with  the  blood  of  people  like  a 
butcher's  booth  with  the  blood  of  cattle,  lambs  and  goats!  What  you  will  learn  there  will  truly  not  be 
of  any  good  reputation! 

[7]  You  recognize  a  God  and  believe  in  the  immortality  of  the  soul  and  still  can  light  heartedly  look 
at,  how  spoilt  and  deeply  lost  people  are  tormented  namelessly  painfully  for  the  whole  day  until 
their  death  by  even  greater  brutes!  Believe  me,  these  seven  would  never  become  so  evil  without  the 
Roman  severity,  as  they  of  course  were,  shuddering  to  the  skin!  But  who  made  them  like  that? 
Those,  who  torture  them  with  pleasure  for  the  whole  day! 

[8]  And  you  as  holy  and  in  God  believing  Jews  can  look  at,  how  the  most  despicable  torment  and 
torture  the  despicable?!  You  are  rather  nice  people  and  neighbors!  Truly,  in  my  donkey  stable  it 
looks  by  far  more  humane  and  civilized  as  in  your  God  believing  house!  Understood?'  -  With  that  he 
left  and  we  went  our  way."  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  63] 

The  end  of  the  crucified  robbers  and  murderers 

[1]  (Mathael:]  "Within  half  an  hour  we  were  back  at  Golgotha  and  except  for  guards  nobody  else 
was  there.  But  the  seven  presented  a  sight  of  the  deepest  terror.  I  do  not  want  to  talk  to  much  here 
about  the  awful  appearance  of  the  seven  half  corpses,  but  rather  about  their  souls  which  were  still 
not  detached  from  their  bodies,  but  made  every  effort  to  destroy  and  tear  their  bodies.  Theses  black 
and  dark  red  bloody  striped  tigers  attacked  their  own  bodies  and  bit  into  them;  but  for  that  they 
had  to  feel  a  painful  response  from  their  still  nerve-alive  bodies.  Since  after  each  bite  into  their 
bodies,  they  made  a  painful  furious  face  and  immediately  put  their  paws  onto  the  place  where  they 
had  bitten  into  their  half-dead  bodies. 


[2]  This  maneuvering  we  watched  for  about  an  hour,  and  I  had  to  tell  my  father  what  I  observed  at 
the  seven.  But  the  roman  guard  superintendent  noticed  this,  who  also  watched  my  unsteady  eyes 
for  quite  some  time  with  the  greatest  attention.  He  came  to  us  and  asked  us  in  the  roman  tongue, 
what  we  saw  at  the  seven,  since  we,  especially  I,  observed  with  great  attention  and  had  to  report  to 
my  father.  We  should  do  this  in  his  tongue,  otherwise  he  would  be  forced  to  asked  us  to  leave. 

[3]  My  father  talked  to  him  in  Greek,  which  he  was  more  comfortable  with  than  Latin,  although  both 
of  us  understood  Latin  quite  well;  since  in  Jerusalem  even  as  a  child  one  had  to  know  three 
languages  if  one  wanted  to  converse  with  the  many  foreigners.  My  father  explained  to  him,  the 
guard  superintendent,  that  he  was  a  doctor  and  that  he  with  his  son  and  at  the  same  time  also 
scholar,  conducted  medical  diagnosis  and  psychological  observations,  and  that  he  encouraged  me  to 
describe  all  the  symptoms  in  great  detail;  alongside  he  was  also  explaining  to  me  this  and  that 
according  to  the  teachings  of  Hippocrates. 

[4]  But  the  guard  superintendent,  a  knowledge  thirsty  person,  liked  this,  and  requested  my  father 
to  make  his  explanations  in  the  Greek  tongue,  so  that  he  also  could  profit  from  it.  Now  we  were 
caught!  Since  that  my  father  explained  something  to  me,  was  only  a  feint  to  put  the  guard 
superintendent  at  ease,  because  it  was  only  me  making  a  report  about  the  psychological  scene  to 
my  father,  which  was  certainly  of  such  nature  that  the  guard  superintendent  would  have  laughed 
into  our  faces,  if  he  would  listen  to  it.  What  should  we  do  now?  Both  of  us  were  helpless! 

[5]  But  now  I  saw  a  spirit,  standing  in  the  air  on  a  cloud  descending,  and  in  his  right  hand  he  carried 
a  big,  shiny  sword.  'What  will  he  do  here?'  I  thought  by  myself.  But  the  superintendent  saw  my  fixed 
researching  eyes  and  immediately  asked  me  if  I  could  see  anything  unusual.  And  I  answered  him  in 
my  way  very  brief  and  a  little  gruffly:  'certainly,  but  if  I  told  you,  you  still  would  not  believe  me!' 

[6]  The  guard  superintendent  wanted  to  know  more  from  me;  but  at  that  time  it  was  already  getting 
late  and  from  Cornelius  an  order  arrived  to  break  the  legs  at  the  feet  with  axes  according  to  the 
custom  of  the  Romans,  and  if  anyone  was  still  alive,  to  put  an  end  to  him  with  a  blow  to  the  head 
and  on  the  chest,  so  our  guard  superintendent  had  strict  orders  to  carry  out  and  we  could  continue 
our  observations  unhindered. 

[7]  I  now  looked  at  the  Great  Spirit,  who  was  dressed  in  a  dark  sky-blue  pleated  garment,  and  what 
he  would  be  doing  at  this  scene.  Listen!  As  the  leg  breakers  waited  for  the  command  to  smash  the 
legs  of  the  seven  and  to  end  the  life  of  those  who  are  still  alive  with  the  said  blows,  the  mighty  spirit 
lifted  the  sword  and  cut  the  strings  by  which  the  black  tiger  souls  were  attached  to  their  bodies. 

[8]  When  those  awful  souls  were  relieved  from  their  bodies,  they  suddenly  became  a  little  more 
human  appearance,  walked  on  their  hind  legs,  but  absolutely  silent  and  with  a  very  sad  and 
sorrowful  expression,  and  the  spirit  said  in  a  sharp  voice  to  them:  'Go  to  the  place  of  your  evil  love; 
it  will  attract  you!  As  your  deeds,  so  is  your  reward!'  But  the  seven  souls  shouted:  'If  we  are  doomed 
there  would  be  sufficient  time  for  it!  Why  was  it  necessary  to  torture  us,  if  the  everlasting 
damnation  awaits  us  here?!' 

[9]  Said  the  big,  mighty  spirit:  'Everything  depended  and  still  depends  on  your  love!  Change  this 
according  to  the  order  of  Jehovah  known  to  you,  and  you  will  be  your  own  saviors;  except  for 
yourselves  nobody  in  the  whole  of  infinity  of  God  can  save  you!  The  life  is  yours,  and  the  love  is 
yours;  if  you  can  change  your  love,  then  this  will  transform  your  whole  life  and  being!  And  now 


[10]  Upon  these  sharp  words  of  the  great  and  mighty  spirit,  the  seven,  under  a  horrible  howling, 
quickly  ran  away;  however,  I  was  so  perky  to  ask  the  Great  Spirit,  what  will  finally  become  of  the 

[11]  And  the  spirit  rose  again  and  said  nothing  else  than:  Their  very  own  will!  With  them  it  was  not 
a  lack  of  upbringing,  not  a  lack  of  recognition,  and  they  were  not  possessed  -  accept  by  their  own 
evil  will.  The  vermin  you  saw  escaping  when  they  were  exposed  and  when  flagellated,  were  no 
foreign  daemons,  but  all  of  them  products  and  creations  of  their  own  evil  will.  Therefore  the 
judgment  is  fair;  since  it  had  to  deal  with  seven  perfect  devils,  for  who  in  this  world  existed  no 
teaching,  no  word  and  no  improvement!  But  here  with  us,  where  everything  is  revealed,  their 
destiny  will  be  as  they  want  it  to  be  out  of  their  love.  The  opportunities,  even  if  only  in  appearance, 
will  be  plentiful  to  tempt  themselves  to  more  evil  or  also  to  betterment.  Understand  this,  youth,  and 
also  explain  this  to  your  father,  to  whom  is  not  given  the  sight  for  this!' 

[12]  With  these  meaningful  words  the  big  and  mighty  spirit  disappeared,  and  the  leg  breakers 
began  with  their  work.  With  five  no  blood  came  out  of  the  wide  open  wounds;  but  with  the  last  two 
there  was  still  some  blood.  They  immediately  received  the  ending  blows,  which,  however,  were  a 
complete  futile  work  and  exercise;  since  when  the  good  or  evil  soul  for  once  has  left  the  body,  the 
body  is  for  certain  completely  dead. 

[13]  After  this  rather  not  too  inviting  nice  action,  the  henchmen  went  home  and  the  corpses  were 
handed  over  to  the  undertaker  and  his  servants  for  further  disposal.  The  way  of  disposal,  however, 
was  different  and  still  does,  with  the  only  restriction  that  they  were  not  allowed  to  be  buried. 
Normally  they  were  burnt  with  the  cursed  wood  or  dehydrated  in  the  cursed  water  and  only 
afterwards  thrown  to  the  wild  animals  as  food.  But  the  wild  and  tearing  beasts  who  ate  from  it, 
normally  perished,  which  was  the  reason  for  the  undertaker  to  simply  cook  the  corpses  in  the 
cursed  water  and  sold  it  then  rather  well  for  quite  a  lot  of  money  to  people  who  wanted  to  kill 
wolves,  hyenas,  bears  and  foxes. 

[14]  This,  o  Lord,  is  now  once  more  a  little  history  which  I  have  experienced  during  my  youth,  of 
which  everything  is  clear  to  me,  except  the  appearance  of  the  souls,  which  were  without  any  human 
form,  and  the  previously  countless  many  despicable  vermin  leaving  the  criminals  as  bats  and  small 
dragons.  The  big  spirit  did  indeed  gave  me  some  explanation,  that  these  were  only  products  of  the 
evil  will;  but  how  -  this  is  entirely  a  different  question,  which,  except  for  You,  o  Lord,  nobody  can 
answer  and  solve!  Those  two,  o  Lord,  You  could  solve  for  us,  if  it  pleases  Your  most  holy  will!"  (The 
Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  64] 

The  development  of  the  souls  of  the  robbers  and  murderers 

"[1]  I  said:  "What  you  have  personally  experienced  you  have  presented  very  good  and  true.  The 
reason  for  the  bestial  appearance  of  the  soul  of  the  said  seven  great  criminals  lies  in  a  certain  free 
order,  but  of  course  only  to  this  extent,  as  the  working  soul-specific-parts  in  the  body  seize  or 
exchange  themselves  anew,  similar  to  a  cluster  of  worms  creeping  disorderly  over  and  about  in  a 
continuous  search  for  a  more  comfortable  resting  place.  If  they  found  it  as  either  a  good  or  bad  type, 
the  outer  form  will  for  certain  become  likewise  to  the  good  or  evil  type. 


[2]  Look  here  at  the  different  plants;  there  is  an  alimentary  plant  and  there  a  poisonous  one!  In  the 
sun-bright  light  of  our  light  sphere,  look  at  the  forms!  See,  how  smoothly,  delightfully,  soft  and 
modestly  is  the  form  of  the  alimentary  plant  to  look  at,  and  how  corner-like,  sheared  and  here  and 
there  quite  suspiciously  smooth  the  form  of  the  poisonous  plants  looks  like,  but  still  both  species 
consist  of  the  same  primordial  substances,  standing  in  the  same  earth,  slurp  the  same  dew,  the 
precise  same  air  and  the  same  light! 

[3]  You  have  seen  how  a  little  while  ago  out  of  the  absolutely  similar  glowing  tongues  or  floating 
fire  snakes,  which  could  not  be  seen  with  the  eyes  of  the  flesh  because  of  their  tininess,  a  perfect, 
quite  comfortable  donkey  has  formed;  do  you  think  that,  given  another  order  for  the  seizing  of  the 
primordial  substances  into  organic  forms,  just  as  well  a  tiger,  a  camel,  an  ox  or  elephant  or  anything 
else  could  not  have  developed?!  0,  most  certain!  And  another  orderly  seizing  would  also  have  a 
complete  different  nature  and  characteristics  in  itself,  which  would  be  quite  hostile  towards 
another,  and  the  reason  for  this  is,  that  each  differently  organized  individual  form  has  the 
continuous  main  aspiration,  to  convert  everything  else  and  which  is  somewhat  weaker  into  its  own 

[4]  Out  of  this  property  goes  forth  love,  the  inner  warmth,  aspiration,  greed,  hunger  and  thirst.  If 
this  greed,  which  is  equal  to  a  lust  of  power,  becomes  here  and  there  too  big  and  tries  to  grab  too 
much  to  push  it  underneath  its  own  original  order,  the  consumed  entity  not  seldom  becomes  too 
powerful,  seizes  the  first  in  being  already  existing  soul-organic  order,  and  pulls  it  into  its  own  good, 
better,  or  easily  also  worse,  more  worse  and  finally  most  worse  order! 

[5]  But  what  happens  by  that?  Mathael,  now  we  are  coming  to  your  seen  tiger-like  criminal's  souls! 
The  souls  were  too  excessively  taken  over  by  the  too  greedily  absorbed  primordial  soul  substances 
which  did  not  fit  their  (the  souls)  order;  and  only  those  absorbed  primordial  soul  substances  have 
turned  the  souls  into  their  own  exceedingly  bad  and  thereby  have  changed  the  human  souls  into 
true  tiger  souls,  and  of  the  same  origin  was  also  all  the  vermin  which  you  saw  leaving  in  masses  the 
frightened  criminals.  But  now  all  of  you  tell  Me,  if  you  have  comprehended  this  rich  teaching  in  all 
its  facets!" 

[6]  Says  most  of  them:  "Yes,  Lord,  we  understood  the  teaching  at  least  to  some  extent;  but  to  boast 
that  we  feel  quite  at  home  with  it,  would  be  a  lie.  From  the  earlier  forming  of  the  donkey  we  have 
observed  and  seen,  how  from  the  spiritual  primordial  substances  a  thing  or  being  is  developed.  We 
could  almost  see  the  grass  grow,  and  how  so  to  speak  a  donkey,  by  itself,  created  itself  from  the  fire 
tongues.  Yes,  by  Your  goodness  and  mercy  we  even  know,  what,  who  and  wherefrom  these  fire 
tongues  are,  and  who  they  as  related  to  each  other  can  seize  each  other  to  create  a  distinctive  idea 
and  form.  We  know  quite  well  how  these  Your  countless  primordial  thoughts,  of  which  the  whole  of 
infinity  is  overfilled  with,  although  from  the  outer  appearance  looking  similar,  are  nevertheless  in 
themselves  very  distinctive,  lighter  and  heavier,  depending  on  the  purpose  and  intelligence  they 
carry  which  might  be  somewhat  deeper,  more  serious  and  more  good-quality,  and  how  the  related 
ones  seize  each  other  and  start  to  form  some  organ. 

[7]  As  said,  all  this  we  understand  quite  well;  but  there  is  still  something  which  is  a  strong  riddle  to 
us,  which  You,  o  Lord,  could  resolve  for  us,  if  it  would  please  you.  But  we  all  surely  do  not  have  to 
tell  You  where  we  are  running  short;  since  You  know  all  gaps  which  are  in  us,  and  will  fill  them  with 
Your  mercy,  if  You  regard  as  necessary!  If  it  is  not  of  a  great  importance  to  us,  then  we  are  more 
than  perfectly  happy  with  that  what  we  have  and  understand." 


[8]  I  said:  "To  understand  the  secret  of  the  kingdom  of  God  in  all  depth  of  depths,  you  all  first  must 
be  reborn  in  the  spirit,  which  is  now  impossible  for  you.  Only  if  the  Son  of  Man  has  returned  from 
where  He  has  come,  He  will  send  to  you  the  spirit  of  all  truth  which  is  holy;  he  will  awaken  you 
entirely  and  complete  your  hearts  and  waken  the  spirit  of  all  truth  in  you,  which  means,  in  the  heart 
of  your  souls,  and  by  this  act  you  will  be  reborn  in  the  spirit  and  see  and  understand  in  the  brightest 
light  what  the  heavens  contain  in  theirs. 

[9]  But  this,  what  I  show  and  explain  to  you  right  now,  is  only  a  preparation  for  what  the  spirit  will 
give  you  in  all  fullness.  There  are  many  things  which  I  still  have  to  tell  you,  but  you  would  not  be 
able  to  endure  right  now;  but  if  the  spirit  of  all  truth  will  come,  he  will  guide  you  in  all  wisdom! 
Since  you  know  this  now,  we  immediately  want  to  start  with  a  further  considerable  preparation  at 
this  place,  and  our  widely  experienced  Mathael  will  tell  us  another  little  history  from  his 

[10]  And  as  such  you,  Mathael,  can  start  working  again  and  tell  us  the  well  seen  story  experienced 
in  Bethany!  We  still  have  four  hours  until  sunrise  and  therefore  can  still  learn  and  experience  a  few 
things,  and  you,  Mathael,  can  immediately  begin  with  your  narrative!"  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John 
Book  9,  chap.  65] 

Mathael's  experience  while  going  to  the  dying  father  of  Lazarus 

"[1]  Says  Mathael:  "Lord,  am  I  also  allowed  to  mention  the  strange  phenomena  of  nature,  which  I 
and  my  accompanying  father  observed  in  the  middle  of  the  night  towards  the  east  when  travelling 
to  Bethany?" 

[2]  I  said:  "Certainly  yes;  since  it  has  a  strong  relation  with  the  occurrence  which  you  have 
experienced  seventeen  years  ago  in  Bethany!  Therefore  you  can  start  right  now!" 

[3]  Says  Mathael:  "Lord,  I  see,  that  nothing  is  unknown  to  You  in  the  whole  of  the  infinitive  sphere 
of  creation!  For  You  I  certainly  do  not  have  to  tell  the  story;  but  for  the  sake  of  the  other  friends  and 
brothers  it  pleases  me  to  tell  such  higher  things,  especially  where  I  can  see  that  I  believingly  being 
listen  to.  Everything  which  I  will  tell  you  now  has  a  very  mystically  and  magnificently  looking 
character;  nevertheless,  everything  is  true  what  you  will  hear,  and  as  such  pay  me  your  attention 
once  more! 

[4]  Listen!  It  was  already  late  autumn  of  the  year.  The  high  mountain  peaks  were  covered  in  fog, 
and  a  quite  unfriendly  north  wind  whirled  the  dry  leaves  of  the  trees  through  the  air;  only  in  the 
east  there  were  still  some  places,  where  the  lovely  stars  looked  down  to  earth  like  crying,  which 
was  a  nature  scene  which  I  and  my  father,  who  was  a  great  friend  of  nature  also  regarding  its 
unfriendly  workings,  observed  until  midnight.  When  we  got  ready  to  go  inside  to  take  our  rest,  we 
discovered  a  person  walking  hastily  towards  our  house  with  a  lantern,  made  from  the  urine  bladder 
of  a  sheep,  in  his  hand,  and  it  didn't  take  long  and  a  quite  sad,  but  still  quite  young  man  stood  in 
front  of  us. 

[5]  Recognizing  my  father  immediately  as  a  doctor,  he  said  in  a  wistful  tone  of  voice:  'Friend  and 
doctor!  I'm  coming  from  Bethany;  my  name  is  Lazarus  and  I  am  the  son  of  the  old  Lazarus,  whom  I 


love  above  all!  Quite  suddenly  he  fell  ill  today,  and  it  looks  very  bad  with  him!  Our  rabbi,  who  in  an 
emergency  is  also  a  little  of  a  doctor,  does  not  know  what  to  do  with  my  father!  He  himself  sends  me 
to  you,  since  you  are  an  extraordinary  doctor  and  brought  help  to  ill  people  in  cases  where  no  other 
doctor  could  find  any  remedy.  Come  and  cure,  if  still  possible,  my  suffering  father!' 

[6]  Says  my  father:  'If  another  doctor  has  brought  an  ill  person  close  to  death,  we  have  to  perform 
miracles!  Everything  would  be  alright,  if  it  would  be  possible  to  do  this  immediately  and 
everywhere!  I  will  with  this  my  only  son,  who  must  be  at  hand  since  he  has  the  gift  to  see  spirits  and 
also  in  extreme  cases  can  speak  to  them,  go  with  you  and  see  what  can  be  done;  if  you  had  brought 
some  horses  which  would  have  brought  you  quicker  here  and  us  more  quickly  back,  an  easier  cure 
could  be  performed.  But  if  the  Hippocratic  signs  of  death  have  already  shown  with  him,  there  is  no 
cure  possible;  since  against  the  power  of  death  no  herb  has  grown,  not  on  the  Alps  and  even  less  so 
in  any  garden!' 

[7]  The  messenger  Lazarus  was  contented  with  this  answer  and  regretted  it  badly,  not  having  taken 
any  horses  along.  Nevertheless,  with  a  great  hurry  we  started  our  journey;  since  with  good  feet  it 
lasted  about  an  hour  to  reach  our  destination. 

[8]  When  we,  absolutely  quiet  and  deep  in  thoughts,  walked  our  way,  the  fog  in  the  east 
disappeared  completely  and  it  became  lighter  and  lighter  -  yes,  after  about  a  quarter  of  an  hour  it 
was  so  light  like  half  an  hour  before  sunrise.  This  has  taken  up  our  attention  to  such  a  degree,  that 
we,  despite  all  the  hurrying,  had  to  stand  still  to  see  where  this  strange  light  was  coming  from. 

[9]  Finally  it  became  completely  daylight  and  above  the  eastern  horizon  almost  a  real  sun  rose,  but 
with  a  much  greater  speed  as  the  ordinary  one,  or  -  as  one  is  used  to  say  -  the  daily  sun.  But  with 
this  quickly  rising  light  appearance,  the  lower  end  of  the  eastern  horizon  did  not  started  to  appear. 

[10]  This  light  phenomenon  turned  into  a  column  of  light,  which  within  a  few  moments  pushed  its 
head  up  to  the  midday  line  and  soon  spread  such  light  and  heat,  that  we  were  forced  to  go 
underneath  a  still  dense  leafed  fig  tree,  not  to  go  blind  because  of  the  light  and  not  to  perish  from 
the  heat.  But  soon  this  column  of  light  became  thinner  and  thinner  and  the  light  and  the  strong  heat 
produced  by  the  column  of  light,  disappeared. 

[11]  After  a  very  small  quarter  of  an  hour  the  light  phenomenon  was  gone,  but  also  our  sight;  since 
afterwards,  when  the  light  disappeared  completely,  it  was  so  dark  and  our  eyesight  was  so 
weakened,  that  we  were  not  able  to  properly  discern  the  lantern  of  our  messenger. 

[12]  Only  after  about  thirty  moments  our  eyes  started  to  win  back  the  necessary  eyesight,  and  we 
could  again  barely  see  the  road  by  the  very  weak  light  of  the  lantern,  during  our  walk.  The  whole 
story  nevertheless  delayed  us  with  a  good  half  an  hour  time  and  my  father  immediately  asked  me,  if 
I  had  seen  any  spirits  during  the  light  phenomenon. 

[13]  And  I  said  to  him  according  to  the  fullest  truth:  'In  the  light,  which  was  in  anyway  much  less  to 
look  at  as  the  sun  during  midday  because  of  its  extraordinary  brightness,  nothing  could  be  seen,  but 
certainly  with  us  on  earth.  A  great  number  of  figures  were  becoming  halfway  visible,  but  all  like  a 
very  busy  movement  towards  the  west;  their  movement  was  thus  homogeneous  with  the  light 
appearance.  Only  one  single  spirit  figure  which  came  very  close  to  us,  was  entirely  visible,  had  a 
serious,  old-manlike  expression  and  appeared  to  have  a  great  joy  about  the  light  appearance.  But 
when  the  light  phenomenon  began  to  disappear  from  the  sky,  also  the  spirit  figure  disappeared 


quickly,  and  as  it  appeared  to  me,  also  to  the  west,  but  more  so  in  the  direction  of  Bethany!'  I  didn't 
see  anything  else  and  therefore  could  not  report  anything  further  to  my  father. 

[14]  Our  guide  was  surprised  about  my  seer's  gift  and  believed  my  statement;  since  he  thought  that 
my  fantasy  and  power  of  imagination  could  impossibly  have  reached  such  intensity,  that  I  could  so 
easily  produce  something  like  that.  In  this  he  was  right;  since  I  was  never  very  inventively  and  as  a 
boy  and  youth  I  had  almost  no  fantasy  or  imaginative  powers,  but  I  had  a  lot  of  talent  for  learning 
foreign  tongues. 

[15]  During  these  little  small  talk  considerations  we  finally  arrived  in  Bethany  and  there  at  the  very 
respectable  house  of  Lazarus  and  found  the  sick  person  in  his  last  convulsive  minutes,  of  which  it  is 
said  that  for  this  no  herb  is  grown. 

[16]  Around  the  bed  were  standing  two  people  crying,  but  otherwise  very  lovely  daughters  of  the 
dying  person,  and  also  quite  a  number  of  other  relatives  who  sobbed  and  wept  as  it  was  customary 
at  such  opportunities.  Our  guide,  as  son  of  the  house,  also  wept  and  because  of  all  the  sadness 
forgot  to  ask  my  father  if  it  was  still  possible  to  help  or  not. 

[17]  Only  the  little  rabbi  came  to  my  father  and  asks  if  there  was  still  anything  one  could  do  for  the 
old  man  to  regain  his  consciousness  for  at  least  a  short  while.  My  father  did  not  answer  the  question 
immediately  but  asked  me  in  all  quietness  how  it  was  going  with  the  old  man  and  if  the  soul  was 
already  starting  to  rise  from  the  body. 

[18]  But  I  said  to  the  father  quite  harmlessly  what  I  saw:  The  entire  soul  floats  already  half  the  size 
of  a  man  above  the  body  in  a  horizontal  position  and  is  only  connected  to  the  body  by  a  hair-thin 
light  thread  which  according  to  our  experience  will  not  likely  lasts  more  than  sixty  moments;  it  will 
shear  any  moment.  However,  it  is  strange  that  the  immense  column  of  light  which  we  saw  on  our 
way  with  the  eyes  of  the  flesh  is  again  present  above  the  head  of  the  soul,  has  the  same  powerful 
light  and  also  exerts  a  very  wholesome  feeling  heat.  The  soul  does  not  turn  its  eye  away  from  the 
light  column  and  it  appears  if  the  soul  has  a  great  feeling  of  well-being  in  it."  (The  Great  Gospel  of 
John  Book  9,  chap.  66] 

The  rabbi  tries  to  resurrect  the  old  Lazarus 

"[1]  (Mathael:]  "When  my  father  heard  such  from  me,  he  turned  immediately  to  the  already 
somewhat  impatient  little  rabbi  and  said:  'Friend,  as  I  have  observed  this  case,  it  would  be  a  pity  to 
waste  even  one  drop  of  the  strongest  life  balm;  since  his  soul  floats  already  man  size  high  above  the 
already  practically  dead  body.  Therefore  you  can  begin  to  sing  your  sorrow  psalter,  and  as  a  priest 
tell  the  people  that  no  earthly  help  is  able  to  do  anything!' 

[2]  At  this  explanation  the  rabbi  made  a  somewhat  angry  face  and  asked  the  father  how  he  was  able 
to  notice  this.  The  father  was  never  a  man  of  too  much  politeness  and  said  with  dry  words  to  the 
little  rabbi:  'How  and  from  where  I  can  see  and  know  this  is  none  of  your  business;  just  do  your  part 
and  I  know  exactly  and  quite  well  what  I  have  to  do!' 


[3]  In  this  moment  the  soul  was  completely  separated  from  the  body  and  a  few  very  serenely  and 
wise  looking  spirits  received  it  among  them,  gave  it  like  from  the  whitest  byssus  a  marvelous 
pleated  garment  and  one  of  them  took  the  light  column,  bent  it  around  the  loins  of  the  now  free 
soul,  and  it  became  a  belt  with  a  brightness  of  the  sun.  At  the  same  time  a  mighty  spirit  put  a  equally 
bright  shining  hat  on  the  head  of  the  free  soul  and  said:  'Brother,  be  forever  decorated  with  the  light 
of  wisdom  of  God  shining  out  of  you!' 

[4]  With  that  all  the  high  spirits  present  together  with  the  now  free  soul,  immediately  left  the  house, 
what  I  also  straight  away  reported  to  my  father,  and  the  father  said  to  the  rabbi:  'Now,  since  the 
soul  of  the  old  man  has  entirely  separated  from  the  body,  you  can  go  to  the  nearly  blind  weeping 
relatives  and  announce  the  complete  death  of  the  old  man?!' 

[5]  Said  the  little  rabbi:  '0,  why  not!  Now  I  will  give  him  a  stimulating  drop  on  his  tongue,  and  we 
will  soon  see,  if  his  soul  -  provided  and  assuming  the  existence  of  a  special  soul  in  a  person  - 
already  left  his  body!  According  to  my  well  proven  opinion,  no  person  has  a  soul  which  reaches 
beyond  the  life  of  the  blood  and  the  nerves  with  a  special  spiritual  life.  Man,  once  he  is  dead,  he  is 
completely  dead  like  a  rock  or  a  dry  piece  of  wood,  and  to  all  what  I  can  call  holy,  I  swear  to  you, 
that  then  nothing  stays  alive  in  man.  However,  there  exist  arcana  (secret  remedies]  in  nature,  which 
can  awaken  life  anew  in  an  already  dead  body;  and  that  I  will  do  now  and  will  prove  to  you  as  a  stiff 
Jew,  that  the  soul  has  not  left  the  body  yet  and  also  that  it  is  not  able  to  leave  the  body,  since  there 
never  resided  a  real  soul  therein!' 

[6]  Here  the  rabbi  pulled  a  golden  little  flask  out  of  the  pocket,  showed  it  to  my  father  and  said: 
'There  friend,  see  here!  In  here  is  the  soul  of  a  person  who  is  already  dead!' 

[7]  Said  my  father  with  a  smile:  'Just  go  ahead!  My  entire,  large  property  which  you  might  know 
about  belongs  to  you  if  the  dead  person  is  moving  for  only  a  short  while  after  receiving  your  drops; 
since  your  arcanum  is  familiar  to  me.  I  also  have  it,  and  with  false  dead  people  it  served  me  well;  but 
with  false  dead  people  the  soul  is  still  very  much  in  the  body.  Therefore  this  arcanum  is  very  useful 
with  dead  people  where  no  Hippocratic  symptoms  are  showing;  but  once  the  most  well  developed 
Hippocrates  is  showing  on  the  face  of  a  dead  person,  the  soul  has  left,  and  you  can  give  the  dead 
ten-thousand  of  these  little  bottles,  and  still  the  body  will  not  move,  but  be  completely  dead  and 
lying  there  without  feeling  like  a  rock  or  a  dry  piece  of  wood.  But  now  keep  on  going  with  your  real 
Persian  Farren  herb  oil,  and  as  I  have  told  you  in  front  of  many  witnesses:  my  property  is 
completely  yours  from  the  moment  when  this  dead  person,  where  already  very  slightly  the  smell  of 
putrefaction  starts  to  develop,  only  makes  a  single  move  upon  your  drops!' 

[8]  The  little  rabbi  is  somewhat  concerned  about  this  quite  vigorous  remark  from  my  father,  but, 
nonetheless,  goes  to  the  dead  person,  opens  his  mouth  and  dispenses  him  ten  drops  instead  of  the 
usual  one,  two  at  the  most  three  drops  on  the  already  completely  dry  tongue.  He  closes  the  mouth 
again  and  waits  now  with  great  attention  for  the  dead  to  move  only  a  little  bit.  However,  after  one 
full  hour  and  another  hour,  it  already  started  to  dawn,  the  dead  did  not  show  any  signs  of  any 

[9]  My  father  now  asks  the  little  rabbi  if  he  still  was  of  the  opinion  that  the  dead  will  start  to  move 
because  of  the  real  Persian  Farren  herb  oil  and  perhaps  even  start  to  speak. 

[10]  Says  the  little  man:  'Let's  wait  for  another  hour,  let's  wait  until  the  sun  comes  up,  and  the  dead 
surely  will  start  to  move;  he  also  will  speak!' 


[11]  Says  my  father,  again  smiling:  'Keep  going,  I  will  not  intervene;  to  the  contrary  I  gladly  would 
sacrifice  my  property  for  the  recovery  of  this  old,  to  me  well  known,  God  devoted,  honorable 
person!  And  should  you  lose  against  me,  I  do  not  ask  anything  from  you,  except  that  you  believe  in 
the  true,  forever  living  God  of  Abraham,  Isaac  and  Jacob  and  in  the  fullest  immortality  of  the  human 

[12]  Says  the  rabbi:  'Yes,  friend,  this  I  will  do;  but  I  know  it  in  advance,  that  you  will  lose  this  trade! 
Because  secretly  I  belong  to  the  reasonable  sect  of  the  Sadducees  and  want  to  curse  my  temple 
clerics  right  into  the  large  sandy  desert  of  Africa!  But  if  you  really  should  win  me  over,  I  will  be  glad 
to  serve  the  temple  again  with  everything  I  have!' 

[13]  Everything  was  quiet  now  and  all  waited  with  great  anticipation  for  the  moment  of  the 
revitalization  of  the  old  Lazarus."  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  67] 

The  spirit  of  Lazarus  testifies  of  the  Messiah 

"[1]  (Mathael:]  "Meanwhile  the  young  Lazarus  came  to  my  father  and  asked  him  whether  the  secret 
drops  of  the  rabbi  indeed  would  not  awaken  the  father  again. 

[2]  Said  my  father:  'I'm  terribly  sorry,  my  best  friend,  that  I  as  doctor  and  as  a  human  must  confess 
to  you  in  the  fullest  sense  of  the  truth!  In  any  way,  what  does  it  mean  to  keep  a  person  suspended 
with  blind  hopes  which  never  ever  can  take  on  any  reality!  But  for  your  consolation  I  can  tell  you 
something  much  better,  and  this  consists  therein,  that  I  give  and  can  give  you  the  most  living  and 
most  truthful  assurance,  that  your  father  is  alive  and  in  truth  has  never  died!' 

[3]  Said  sadly  the  young  Lazarus:  'Look  at  the  bed!  He  is  not  alive  and  is  over  and  over  dead!' 

[4]  Said  the  father:  'Yes,  he  for  sure;  but  he  was  not  your  father,  only  the  flesh  coat  of  your  father! 
My  son,  however,  who  is  a  perfect  seer  of  spirits,  can  tell  you  something  else;  go  and  ask  him  about 
it,  and  you  will  find  great  joy  in  what  he  will  tell  you  about  his  vision  he  had  here!' 

[5]  The  son  of  Lazarus  now  turned  to  me,  the  son  of  my  father,  and  asked  me  what  I  as  the  doctor's 
son  can  tell  him  for  consolation.  And  I  told  him  in  every  detail  and  very  extensively,  what  I  have 
seen.  There  were  a  lot  of  hearing  ears  around  me,  but  only  a  few  with  such  a  believing  heart  as  our 
young  Lazarus.  The  more  I  told  him  about  my  vision,  the  more  joyful  became  his  face,  what  also  was 
noticed  by  his  two  sisters  who  still  belonged  to  the  most  tender  female  youth,  and  they  asked  him 
what  it  was  that  he  suddenly  became  so  happy.  Lazarus  pointed  to  me  and  said  nothing  further. 

[6]  Then  the  two  maidens  came  to  me  and  ask  me  shortly  and  modestly  what  I  have  told  the  brother 
according  to  which  he  suddenly  lost  the  great  sadness  and  is  now  so  cheerful  as  if  never  something 
sorrowful  happened  in  the  whole  house.  I  should  also  tell  the  same  to  them! 

[7]  But  I  was  at  that  stage  a  little  naughty  and  said:  '0,  it  causes  you  girls  not  the  slightest  harm  if 
you  mourn  a  little!  I  tell  you  nothing;  at  the  right  time  you  will  be  told  by  your  brother  Lazarus!' 


[8]  After  that  the  two  girls  did  not  asked  me  any  further,  that  I  should  tell  them  what  I  have  told 
their  brother.  But  they  nevertheless  became  less  sorrowful,  and  my  father  turned  to  the  rabbi  since 
the  son  was  standing  completely  crimson  above  the  horizon  and  said:  'Now  friend,  where  do  you 
stand  with  your  Persian  Farren  herb  oil  drops?  The  dead  person  still  lies  there  motionless  like  an 
old  piece  of  wood!  How  is  it  then?  The  sun  has  already  come  up,  and  everything  is  quiet  and  dead 
calm!  Who  won  the  bet,  me  or  you?' 

[9]  Said  the  rabbi:  'Friend,  I  give  up,  and  from  now  on  I  will  believe  what  you  believe!  You  are  a  wise 
and  widely  experienced  doctor,  who  does  not  easily  believe  something  without  a  good  reason.  Even 
if  I  do  not  see  the  reason,  I  still  will  believe,  because  you  are  believing  it,  and  surely  knows  the 
reason  for  it!  I  hereby  take  the  belief  of  respect  and  remain  with  what  you  have  told  me.  You  have 
won  this  important  bet  and  I'm  your  prisoner!' 

[10]  Said  my  father:  'Not  my  prisoner  but  a  freest  man  in  the  name  of  Jehovah!' 

[11]  Hereupon  the  rabbi  asked  my  father:  'Friend,  what  must  I  do,  to  completely  win  your 

[12]  Said  my  father:  'You  already  have  it!  Believe  from  now  on,  and  through  your  believe  you  will 
come  into  the  right  light!' 

[13]  I  now  went  to  the  father  and  said  what  I  just  have  seen:  It  was  a  great  spirit  who  came  into  the 
room  and  gave  me  a  sign  and  said  that  the  children  of  Lazarus  should  get  ready,  their  fathers  spirit 
will  return  once  more  and  bless  them  and  give  them  a  great  promise.  I  also  told  my  father  that  he 
should  announce  it  to  the  three;  and  the  father  did  that.  The  son  of  Lazarus  and  both  of  his  still  very 
young  sisters,  maidens  of  fourteen  and  sixteen  years,  were  very  happy  about  it. 

[14]  It  did  not  take  long,  and  the  spirit  of  the  dead  Lazarus,  full  of  a  heavenly  brightness  entered  the 
room,  and  all  three  could  see  him  and  also  could  hear  his  voice. 

[15]  But  the  spirit  of  light  said  to  his  son:  'You  are  an  adult;  be  a  good  foster  father  for  your  young 
sisters!  Let  no  evil  thought  penetrate  your  heart;  because  look  at  me,  I  live  and  have  not  died!  What 
has  happened,  the  Lord  wanted  it  like  that.  He  has  chosen  our  house,  and  the  miracle  of  all  miracles 
will  take  place  in  this  house. 

[16]  The  Lord  already  walks  this  earth  as  a  son  of  poor  parents.  He,  the  Everlasting,  the  Holiest,  has 
already  begun  with  the  great  task  of  redemption.  He  wants  to  become  a  Father  for  ever  to  all  people 
who  are  of  good  will.  From  now  on  the  people  of  this  earth  should  not  have  an  invisible  forever 
inaccessible,  but  an  accessible  and  always  visible  Father.  And  this  God,  who  created  everything  that 
exists  in  the  everlasting  infinity,  will  visit  this  house  on  a  regular  basis.  Therefore  keep  your  hearts 
from  impureness,  so  that  this  house  becomes  worthy,  to  endure  Him,  whom  heaven  and  earth 
cannot  enclose! 

[17]  That  I  live  you  can  see;  but  also  see  to  it  that  you  will  live,  like  I  now  live  forever  in  God,  my  and 
your  Father!  With  that  take  now  my  true  father's  blessing,  which  I  give  to  you  now,  not  in  the  flesh 
anymore,  which  lies  there  on  the  bed  as  a  worn  out  old  coat  and  awaits  redemption  by  the  jaws  of 
worms,  but  as  a  perfect  spirit  in  the  Paradise  of  God,  the  kingdom  of  the  pure  spirits!  Keep  the 
commandments  of  God  and  praise  and  love  Him  above  all  and  you  will  already  on  this  earth  make  a 
bigger  harvest  as  the  one,  which  I  now  enjoy  in  the  brightest  Paradise  of  God!  God  the  Lord  will  be 
with  you,  Amen!' 


[18]  Hereupon  the  spirit  disappeared,  and  the  three  children  became  full  of  joy,  which  I  could  not 
describe."  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  68] 

The  rabbi  does  not  keep  his  word 

"[1]  (Mathael:]  "All  present  were  astonished  about  the  joy  about  the  incomprehensible  edifying 
cheerfulness  of  the  children  of  the  old  Lazarus.  Except  for  me  and  the  three  children,  nobody  else 
has  seen  anything;  but  nevertheless  it  was  noticed  by  all  present.  Some  thought  that  the  three  must 
have  had  a  comforting  vision.  A  few  Pharisees  who  also  were  present,  thought,  that  the  children, 
because  of  too  much  grief,  became  insane;  but  the  little  rabbi  thought  that  my  father  has  enchanted 
them  in  a  very  secret  manner. 

[2]  But  then  I  intervened  with  the  little  man  and  said  loudly:  'Man,  don't  you  remember  what 
promises  you  have  made  to  the  face  of  my  honest  father?!  How  can  you  judge  the  extraordinary 
mercy  of  God  in  this  way?!  Be  careful  that  Jehovah  does  not  punishes  you  this  very  moment! 
Because  you  are  not  a  person  but  a  wretched  animal!' 

[3]  Now,  these  my  words  made  such  an  impression  on  the  little  rabbi  that  he  became  hypocritically 
pale  like  the  corpse  on  the  bed,  and  he  started  to  tremble  with  his  whole  body. 

[4]  My  father  noticed  this,  went  to  him  and  asked  him  what  has  happened  to  him,  that  he  became 
pale  like  a  corpse.  But  the  little  man  told  him  with  a  shaking  tongue  all  the  evil  things  I  have 
revealed  to  him. 

[5]  But  my  father  said  to  him:  'It  serves  you  right!  Why  didn't  you  stay  with  your  believe  which  you 
have  promised  me  so  dearly?!  With  God  and  His  spirits  one  cannot  make  any  jokes!  Do  you 
understand  this?  Either  you  believe,  even  if  only  on  the  grounds  of  those  whose  experience  can 
forever  not  be  denied  -  or  you  stay  as  you  are! 

[6]  What  you  are,  be  it  entirely,  either  an  angel  or  a  devil!  The  worst  of  worst  however  is:  wanting 
to  be  a  double  being,  an  angel  and  a  devil  in  one  and  the  same  person!  Sure,  both  of  the  arriving 
Pharisees  made  by  their  entrance  your  head  and  your  heart  glowing?!  You  became  fearful  and 
began,  as  an  earlier  follower  of  the  sect  of  the  Sadducee,  to  dance  according  to  their  music,  like  the 
Greek  let  their  bears  dance  to  their  music  in  before  us;  but  at  the  same  time  you  forgot  to  whom  you 
have  broken  your  oat!  What  do  you  want  to  do  now,  you  wretched  person?' 

[7]  But  the  rabbi  covered  his  face  and  went  away,  and  retreated  most  likely  to  Jerusalem  to  his 
living  room,  to  think  about  all  his  mortal  sins.  What  has  happened  further  to  him,  until  this  hour  I 
don't  know;  I  only  know  that  the  father  as  well  as  I  am,  has  seen  him  in  Jerusalem  at  several 
occasions,  but  he  always  purposefully  avoided  us  from  far  away.  Why,  out  of  rage  or  a  kind  of 
shyness,  I  also  don't  know.  He  also  never  came  back  to  the  house  of  Lazarus,  although  he  forgot  his 
enchanted  flask  there  -  which  we  easily  learned,  since  the  young  Lazarus  and  his  sisters  visited  us 
afterwards  quite  often. 

[8]  Now,  Lord,  this  is  the  story  of  me  and  my  father  in  Bethany  which  we  experienced  as  true  and 
faithfully  as  I  have  told  it  here.  At  that  stage  everything  of  course  was  a  indissoluble  riddle  to  me.  A 


lot  is  now  much  clearer  to  me,  only  the  two  phenomena  are  still  a  riddle  to  me,  and  despite  Your 
many  explanations  I  still  do  not  understand  them.  And  these  two  phenomena  are:  firstly  the  light 
meteor  at  the  physical  sky  at  midnight  and  the  accompanying  spirits  towards  the  west,  and 
secondly  the  similar,  pure  spiritual  light  above  the  head  of  the  already  free,  floating  soul  above  the 

[9]  Also,  with  this  soul  I  did  not  saw  an  actual  mist  cloud  beforehand,  but  only  the  same  very 
properly  developed  form  of  a  human,  which  only  was  connected  to  the  body  with  a  very  light 
purple  thread,  which  also  sheared  completely,  upon  which  the  soul  immediately  as  completely  free 
was  standing  with  a  brilliant-white  pleated  dress  of  the  finest  byssus  among  some  wise  and  mighty 
spirits,  as  I  have  mentioned  earlier. 

[10]  How  these  things  and  appearances  are  interconnected,  I  and  certainly  also  all  the  others, 
would  like  to  hear  from  Your  mouth!  0  Lord,  explain  this  to  us!"  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9, 
chap.  69] 

The  life's  story  of  the  old  Lazarus 

"[1]  I  said:  "I  will  explain  it  to  you;  but  all  of  you  must  be  very  attentive,  otherwise  you  will  not 
understand  the  whole  matter!  Since  this  death  is  a  quite  peculiar  case,  has  not  occurred  for  a  long 
time  and  will  not  appear  for  even  a  longer  period  of  time. 

[2]  The  old  Lazarus  as  a  great,  primordial  created  angel  spirit,  was  according  to  his  very  own  will 
incarnated  into  the  flesh  of  a  person,  namely  under  the  most  difficult  living  conditions  imaginable 
everywhere  on  this  earth.  From  the  cradle  until  his  forty-seventh  year  on  earth  he  had  to  endure 
things  and  trials,  which  cannot  easily  be  repeated  here.  How  many  times  did  he  have  to  fight  with 
many  dangers  of  life!  Who  from  you  is  familiar  with  the  life  history  of  Job,  can  only  form  somewhat 
of  a  picture  from  that  which  happened  to  our  Lazarus. 

[3]  Several  times  he  was  promoted  to  the  highest  world  honors  and  came  to  great  wealth,  had  a 
wife  and  the  most  beautiful  and  most  well-behaved  children,  five  in  number,  who  loved  him  dearly 
as  a  good  and  wise  father.  When  he  was  nineteen  years  of  age  he  married  the  only  daughter  of  one 
of  the  richest  people  in  Bethlehem;  his  gold  and  silver  and  the  most  beautiful  pearls  and  precious 
stones  could  not  be  easily  carried  away  by  a  hundred  camels.  However,  this  great  earthly  luck 
lasted  for  only  a  short  time.  His  treasures  evaporated  from  year  to  year  because  as  a  good  and  too 
lenient  person  he  was  quite  often  seriously  robbed;  finally  a  fire  erupted  in  his  out  of  cedars  built 
house,  and  from  all  of  his  treasures  he  could  not  save  anything  else  except  the  life  of  his  wife  and 
children  and  was  forced  to  live  from  alms  for  three  years. 

[4]  During  the  three  years  his  wife  and  all  his  five  dear  children  died.  He  himself  became  full  of 
leprosy  which  he  suffered  from  for  a  full  year.  Finally  a  doctor  from  Egypt  came  with  an  arcanum 
and  cured  him  completely  from  this  illness.  After  that,  as  still  an  attractive  man  of  thirty-four  years 
of  age,  on  his  way  he  was  attacked  by  secret  henchmen  from  outer  Persia  and  was  brought  there  as 
a  slave  without  any  consideration  and  sold  to  an  extremely  hard  master. 


[5]  But  since  he  was  among  all  the  many  slaves  of  his  master  the  most  loyal  one,  and  has  endured  all 
the  hardness  of  his  master  with  the  biggest  patience  and  abidance,  his  master  called  him  after  ten 
years  and  said  to  him:  'I  have  watched  you  during  all  my  hardness  against  you,  that  you  were  most 
loyal  to  me  and  did  not  shy  away  from  great  troubles  and  work  to  bring  me  quite  often  great 
fortune.  If  I  requested  a  lot  from  you,  you  always  did  more  and  quite  often  to  my  advantage.  I  am  a 
hard  master  -  all  the  world  gives  me  this  testimony  -  nevertheless  I'm  not  without  eyes  and  not 
without  insight  and  recognition;  and  since  I'm  not  that,  I  give  you  the  full  freedom!  You  can  go  safely 
back  to  your  home  in  your  country.  In  addition,  as  a  token  of  my  appreciation  for  your  loyal  service, 
I  give  to  you  one-hundred  camels,  ten  of  my  most  beautiful  female  slaves  and  ninety  servants;  and 
so  that  you  everywhere  can  buy  something,  can  live  and  trade  and  carry  on,  my  treasurer  must  pay 
you  thousand  bags  of  gold  and  two-thousand  bags  of  silver!  See,  this  is  how  a  hard  master  rewards 
a  most  loyal  slave  and  double  this  most  loyal  servant,  which,  however,  I  unfortunately  never  had! 
Go  safely  with  everything  you  have  received  as  a  gift  from  your  hard  master!' 

[6]  Lazarus  bowed  deeply  in  front  of  his  master  and  wanted  to  thank  him.  But  he  said  with  serious 
words:  'Friend,  who  earned  his  reward  like  you,  does  not  have  to  thank  the  giver  after  reception! 
Therefore  go  in  peace;  so  be  it  and  it  happens!' 

[7]  Moved  in  tears,  Lazarus  left  the  hall,  and  when  he  came  to  the  large  palace  yard,  everything  was 
ready:  Camels,  the  ten  female  slaves  and  the  ninety  servants,  and  each  of  the  strongest  camels  was 
loaded  with  gold  and  silver. 

[8]  Lazarus  mounted  his  camel,  and  the  march  started.  After  ten  quite  joyful  days  of  travel,  he 
reached  Bethlehem,  stayed  at  an  inn  and  enquired  about  his  earlier  property.  But  this  was, 
according  to  Roman  law,  because  the  legal  owner,  despite  all  proclamations  by  special  heralds,  did 
not  respond,  sold  as  government  property  and  became  already  three  years  ago  the  full  property  of 
the  new  owner.  Since  for  seven  years  he  was  so  to  speak  only  a  tenant;  if  the  previous  lost  owner 
returned  during  the  seventh  year,  he  still  could  exercise  the  repossession  law  -  he  only  had  to  repay 
the  new  tenant  the  highest  offer  including  interest,  since  he  was  seen  as  a  manger  without  contract 
and  had  to  be  rewarded  for  his  troubles  to  run  the  estate.  However,  after  seven  years  the  tenant 
becomes  the  untouchable,  full,  new  owner  of  such  property.  And  this  was  also  the  case  in 
Bethlehem  with  the  property  of  Lazarus.  The  tenant  was  now  the  full  owner,  protected  by  Roman 
law,  and  our  Lazarus,  achieving  nothing,  had  to  move  on. 

[9]  For  a  whole  year  he  had  to  live  in  the  inn,  until  finally  a  considerable  piece  of  land  became 
available  for  sale  in  Bethany  which  belonged  to  a  Greek.  For  fifteen-hundred  bags  of  silver  Lazarus 
became  the  full  owner  and  married  in  his  forty-seventh  year  one  of  his  most  loyal  female  slaves, 
who  also  was  a  Jew,  and  with  her  he  fathered  the  young  Lazarus  and  his  two  sisters.  After  ten  years 
he  also  gave  the  fullest  freedom  to  all  his  servants  from  Persia;  but  nobody  left  Lazarus  and  today 
fifty  three  of  the  servants  are  still  alive.  Already  after  two  years  all  converted  to  the  Jewish  faith  and 
became  even  more  valuable  and  pleasant  for  Lazarus.  The  wife  only  died  two  years  ago,  and  was  an 
example  of  female  tolerance  and  devotion;  and  since  then  the  three,  very  well-behaved  children 
managed  everything  alone;  except  for  God  they  nearly  have  no  needs  and  do  a  lot  of  good  for  the 
poor."  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  70) 


Explanation  of  the  phenomena  during  Lazarus'  death 

[1]  (The  Lord:]  "Since  the  old  Lazarus  completed  his  earthly  life  so  very  well,  he  not  only  has  lost 
anything  from  his  former  heavenly  perfection,  but  has  gained  so  much,  that  at  the  time  of  departure 
of  our  deeply  tried  angel  who  passed  his  test  in  the  most  excellent  manner,  myriads  of  the  most 
perfect  angels  united  and  influenced  the  nature  spirits  of  this  earth  in  such  a  way,  that  they  were 
forced  to  perform  on  the  same  level  of  activeness  as  the  nature  spirits  of  the  sun  must  be  active.  By 
this  extraordinary  activity  of  myriads  of  spirits  concentrated  in  a  small  space,  the  light  originated 
which  was  seen  by  you,  your  father  and  the  young  Lazarus,  precisely  in  that  moment  when  the 
angel  soul  and  spirit  of  the  old  Lazarus  began  to  unwind  from  the  bonds  of  the  flesh. 

[2]  The  spirits  you  saw,  accompanying  the  light  towards  the  west,  are  not  really  especially  related 
to  the  phenomenon,  other  than  that  they  were  also  being  unusually  excited  by  the  extraordinary 
activity  of  the  nature  spirits  which  normally  stand  under  their  command  and,  not  knowing  what 
was  going  on,  were  urged  to  a  partly  transient  partly  sharply  observant  movement  and  fearful 

[3]  That  the  movement  could  be  seen  going  from  east  to  west  according  to  your  language  art,  means 
an  important  earthly  death,  corresponding  to  it,  as  everything  on  earth  awakens  with  sunrise  and 
everything  dies  in  sleep  with  the  setting  sun.  At  the  same  time,  however,  the  earthly  evening 
corresponds  completely  vice  versa  with  the  spiritual  morning  and  vice  versa  the  earthly  morning 
with  the  spiritual  evening;  since  with  the  earthly  morning,  most  people  start  as  far  as  possible  to 
engage  in  worldly  worries,  and  this  is  a  true  and  deep  spiritual  evening  often  without  dusk,  thus 
actually  already  a  spiritual  night.  Only  in  the  evening,  tired  of  the  worldly  worries,  many  reluctantly 
start  thinking  about  the  flight  of  the  temporal  and  turn  to  God,  and  this  corresponds  at  least  with  a 
spiritual  dawn. 

[4]  Thus  this  has  explained  according  to  your  understanding  only  too  well,  and  you  now  know  how 
and  why  about  the  spiritual  and  physical  relationship  of  the  great  light  phenomenon  and  about  its 
spirit-like  company. 

[5]  Now  we  go  to  the  death  room  of  the  old  Lazarus!  There  you  saw  no  disfigured  smoke  figure 
floating  above  the  corpse,  but  already  a  complete  human  figure.  The  reason  for  this  lies  in  the  great 
love  for  activity,  what  indicates  an  already  more  completed  inner,  spiritual  life,  which  is  entirely 
without  any  fear  about  the  coming  great  activity  in  the  endless  kingdom  of  the  heavens.  The  fear 
vibrations  of  the  soul  can  then  not  take  place,  and  therefore  the  human  figure  of  the  soul  is 
immediately  during  its  first  exit  from  the  body  already  perfected  and  can  be  seen  as  a  fully  restful 
condition,  of  course  only  to  him  who  does  posses  the  rare  ability  to  see  like  that. 

[6]  The  small  and  extremely  thin  thread  between  the  soul  and  its  body  indicates  the  always  very 
smallest  sense  for  the  earthly  and  therefore  also  the  most  easily  and  painless  separation  from  the 
body.  The  same  light  phenomenon  above  the  head  of  the  soul  indicates  foremost  the  mightiest  will 
of  the  soul  herself,  and  by  its  extraordinary  activity  according  to  the  order  of  the  heavens  expresses 
itself  as  a  column  of  light  above  the  head  -  a  column,  corresponding  to  its  inflexibility,  and  as  light 
which  is  always  a  product  of  a  just  activity,  corresponding  to  the  divine  order  of  the  heavens  of  God, 
which  light  always  penetrates  and  fully  enlightens  the  ability  of  recognition  of  the  soul,  so  that  the 
will  does  not  act  blindly  but  always  with  the  brightest  insight. 

[7]  But  since  the  just  thinking  mainly  occurs  in  the  heart,  just  as  the  seat  of  love  and  the  will  can 
only  found  there,  the  free  will  light  of  the  soul,  which  during  the  earthly  life  acted  in  unity  with  the 


reason  of  the  head,  now  becomes  visible  as  the  belt  of  the  garment  of  love  and  justice,  patience  and 
tolerance  around  the  loins  of  the  free  soul;  but  the  hat  is  a  testimony  for  a  new  gift  of  the  purest 
light  from  the  heavens,  which,  however,  is  only  given  to  those,  which  already  have  accepted  the  true 
heavenly  wisdom  and  from  it  have  become  humans  full  of  love,  wisdom  and  the  true  heavenly 
justice.  Such  a  light  hat  is  then  a  product  of  the  wisdom  will  of  all  of  the  primordial  created  angels  of 
heaven  and  expresses  with  him  who  carries  such  a  hat  on  his  head,  that  he  now  is  an  entirely 
perfected  being  resembling  God  and  is  inaugurated  in  all  wisdom  and  in  all  recognition  of  all 

[8]  Such  a  spirit  of  the  heavens  who  also  went  through  the  flesh  of  an  earthly  life,  recognizes  on  his 
own  as  much  as  all  the  other  primordial  spirits  combined  who  have  not  yet  entered  the  way  of  the 
flesh,  because  such  a  hat  is,  just  as  a  person's  soul  is  a  compound  of  all  earthly  intelligence  particles, 
also  a  compound  of  all  intelligence  of  the  heavens,  which  surely  says  endlessly  much. 

[9]  I  am  of  the  opinion  now  that  you  all  will  understand  this  somewhat  unusual  appearance.  But  if 
someone  still  has  a  query,  now,  he  should  ask,  and  there  be  light  for  him!  Since  the  heavens  give  a 
right  light  to  those,  who  are  just  and  do  have  a  good  will.  Therefore  ask  without  fear,  if  there  is 
something  which  you  still  don't  understand!"  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  71) 

The  deadly  fall  of  the  curious  boy 

"[1]  I  said:  "If  so,  then  you  still  have  to  tell  us  about  the  death  case  of  a  young  boy  who  fell  from  a 
tree  and  shortly  afterwards  departed,  and  at  the  same  also  about  the  person  who  threw  himself  into 
the  lake  and  drowned,  thereby  committing  suicide.  However,  be  short  and  only  tell  us  the  main 

[2]  Mathael  immediately  started  to  talk  and  said:  "I  only  beg  you  for  a  little  patience;  since  I  want  to 
tell  both  cases  at  once  and  therefore  I  have  to  collect  myself  a  little!" 

[3]  I  said:  "Do  this;  but  I  will  put  the  right  manner  in  your  mouth,  and  it  will  just  fine  without 
collecting  yourself!" 

[4]  Said  Mathael:  "Yes,  if  so,  then  of  course  I  do  not  need  long  to  collect  myself  and  will  immediately 
begin  to  tell  both  occurrences  as  faithfully  and  true  as  possible  since  they  still  stuck  quite  well  in  my 

[5]  Say  all  loudly:  "Now  then,  high  viceroy  of  the  nations  around  the  Pontus  up  to  the  Caspian  Sea, 
we  are  all  especially  glad  to  hear  your  story;  since  in  telling  stories  you  are  an  unsurpassed  master!" 

[6]  Says  Mathael:  "For  telling  stories  one  need  above  all  a  few  language  skills  and  a  great  love  for 
the  truth.  Who  tells  the  truth  always  has  an  advantage  above  writers  of  fables!  Nevertheless,  what  I 
have  to  tell  you  according  to  the  wish  of  the  Lord,  is  one  of  the  stories  which  I  have  experienced 
many  of  them  from  the  cradle  until  my  twentieth  year.  I  will  give  it  to  you  with  the  tongue  as  I  have 
experienced  it  during  my  seventeenth  year  alongside  my  father,  who  was  always  at  my  side  and 
became  very  wise  because  of  my  visions.  Both  stories  are  as  follows: 


[7]  It  was  the  time  of  the  general  cleansing  of  the  Jews,  where  -  as  it  is  known  -  at  the  Jordan  river  a 
scapegoat  is  slaughtered  and  sacrificed  for  all  the  sins  of  the  Jews  and  is  finally  thrown  into  the 
lovely  Jordan  river  under  all  kinds  of  noise  and  prayer  formulas  and  curses.  Now,  to  say  only  one 
word  more  about  it,  would  be  a  futile  and  worthless  chatting,  since  these  ceremonies  are  all  too 
familiar  to  even  the  most  simple  Jew. 

[8]  What  might  be  less  known  to  you  is  the  fact  that  during  that  particular  scapegoat  sacrifice 
ceremony  an  exceedingly  huge  crowd  was  present.  Greeks,  Romans,  Egyptians  and  Persians  were 
plentiful  present.  In  short,  there  was  no  lack  of  inquisitive  people! 

[9]  That  the  boys  also  wanted  to  see  something  of  this  spectacle  is  understandable  to  you,  and 
equally  understandable  that  the  curiosity  drove  the  non-seeing  boys  into  the  trees.  It  did  not  take 
long  that  finally  the  inviting  trees  were  filled  and  the  boys  on  the  branches  started  to  quarrel.  Quite 
often  they  were  asked  to  keep  quiet,  but  these  well-intentioned  reprehensions  were  of  little  or  no 

[10]  I  and  my  father  were  sitting  on  our  camels,  which  my  father  received  as  a  present  from  a 
Persian  whom  he  cured  from  a  bad  illness;  both  had  double  humps  and  were  for  riding  much  more 
comfortable  than  the  single  humps.  We  therefore  had  a  good  view  over  all  the  proceedings.  Not  far 
from  our  point  of  view  stood  a  rather  nice  and  high  cypress  and  on  it's  already  by  nature  weak 
branches  were  sitting  three  boys  quarrelling.  Each  one  tried  to  entrust  his  weight  to  the  strongest 

[11]  But  since  this  quite  old  tree  actually  had  only  two  branches  of  such  solid  strength  that  one 
could  entrust  one's  life  to  it,  the  three  boys  quarreled  about  the  possession  of  the  two  strongest 
branches,  while  the  third  was  forced  to  be  satisfied  with  one  of  the  twigs  rather  than  a  branch. 
Thus,  on  a  height  of  5  man-heights  the  third  boy  sat  on  his  branch,  which  was  more  a  twig  than  a 

[12]  The  case  went  on  for  about  an  hour  when  towards  midday  a  quite  strong  wind  came  up,  which 
caused  the  top  of  the  cypress  to  sway  quite  dangerously  and  the  smoke  from  the  severely  steaming 
sacrificial  altar  blew  straight  into  the  faces  of  the  three  boys,  to  such  an  extent  that  they  had  to 
cover  their  eyes  to  prevent  shedding  a  stream  of  tears  in  vain. 

[13]  In  this  extremely  doubtful  position  I  observed  the  boy  sitting  on  the  weak  branch.  When  the 
smoke  was,  as  one  could  say,  blown  really  pound  heavy  into  his  face,  I  suddenly  saw  two  quite  large 
bats  flying  around  his  head.  They  had  the  size  of  two  fully  grown  doves  and  drove  the  poor  boy 
even  more  smoke  into  his  face. 

[14]  I  drew  the  attention  of  my  father  to  the  scene  and  told  him  that  something  bad  was  about  to 
happen.  I  also  told  him  what  I  saw  and  that  the  two  bats  did  not  appear  naturally  to  me,  especially 
for  the  reason  that  they  sometimes  got  bigger  and  than  smaller  again. 

[15]  The  father  steered  his  camel  towards  the  tree  and  called  to  the  boy  on  the  tree,  that  he  should 
quickly  climb  from  the  tree,  otherwise  he  would  have  an  accident.  Whether  the  boy  had  heard  my 
father's  quite  loudly  spoken  words  or  not,  I  cannot  really  tell;  since  I  only  observed  the  earlier  scene 
and  how  the  boy  sitting  on  the  very  questionable  branch  was  increasingly  rubbing  his  eyes, 
offended  by  the  thick  smoke,  with  both  hands  and  must  have  been  almost  blind  by  now. 


[16]  Since  my  father  saw  that  his  warning  call  to  the  boy  was  fruitless,  he  distant  himself  from  the 
questionable  tree,  came  back  to  me  and  ask  me  if  I  still  had  the  same  vision.  I  affirmed  the  question 
according  to  the  truth  and  emphasized  that  the  boy,  if  not  removed  from  the  tree  immediately, 
would  surly  suffer  an  inevitable  accident.  Said  the  father:  'Yes,  my  son,  what  can  one  do?!  We  do  not 
have  a  ladder,  and  the  boy  will  not  leave  the  tree  by  calling  him;  one  is  therefore  forced  to  wait, 
what  God  the  Lord  will  let  happen  to  this  disobedient  boy.' 

[17]  My  father  had  just  spoken  the  last  word,  when  the  weak  branch,  bended  too  many  times  to  and 
fro  and  up  and  down  by  the  continuous  movement  of  the  boy,  broke,  and  the  boy  of  course  without 
support  fell  from  the  height  of  five  man-length  with  full  force  headfirst  on  a  rock  lying  underneath 
the  tree,  smashing  his  skull  and  braking  his  neck,  and  thus  died  instantly. 

[18]  About  that  a  spectacle  originated  among  the  people;  all  crowded  around  the  fatally  injured  boy. 
But  to  what  use,  since  the  boy  was  already  dead?!  The  Roman  guards  finally  drove  the  people  away 
and  my  well-known  father  was  called  to  examine  the  boy,  whether  he  was  really  dead  or  whether 
one  could  apply  resuscitation  attempts  to  bring  him  back  to  life.  My  father  examined  the  shattered 
skull  and  the  neck  and  said:  'No  herb  and  no  ointment  will  be  of  any  use  anymore!  Since  he  died  not 
only  once  but  twice  and  will  not  live  again  in  this  world!'"  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap. 

The  suicide  of  the  Essene  who  was  cursed  by  the  temple 

"[1]  (Mathael:]  "Simultaneously  the  father  asks  me,  if  I  have  seen  anything  else  about  the  boy. 

[2]  In  Greek  I  said  to  him:  'The  large  two  bats  have  unified  above  his  chest,  namely  in  the  form  of  a 
very  sad  looking  monkey,  and  are  trying  to  separate  themselves  from  the  body,  but  it  appears  if 
they  still  strongly  attracted  by  it,  so  that  it  is  for  the  time  being  not  possible  for  them  to  completely 
separate  from  the  body;  but  the  longer  their  efforts  lasts,  the  more  they  become  one,  and  -  there, 
now  they  are  as  a  volatile  being  freed  from  the  body!  It  still  crouches  and  jumps  around  the  body  as 
if  it  is  still  looking  for  something!' 

[3]  'This  will  not  be  the  soul  of  the  boy?'  said  my  father 

[4]  Said  I  (Mathael]:  'Yes,  this  I  truly  don't  know  myself!  Should  such  a  neglected  boy  in  all 
seriousness  not  have  a  better  soul?!  Now  this  strange  being  still  sits  at  the  bleeding  smashed  head 
and  acts  as  if  licking  the  blood  from  the  large  wound.  But  it  does  not  succeed  at  all!  It  only  slurps  the 
barely  visible  blood  steam  and  by  that  obtains  a  little  more  of  a  human  appearance,  but  now 
carriers  arrive  who  probably  want  to  take  the  corpse  away!  I  am  curious  if  this  monkey-like  being 
will  accompany  it!' 

[5]  In  this  moment  four  bearers  with  quite  a  long  pole  arrived,  bound  the  corpse  with  linen  cloth  to 
the  pole,  lifted  it  up  and  carried  it  away. 

[6]  Said  I:  'However,  the  being  stays  and  looks  around  like  someone  in  a  large  emptiness,  where  he 
can  see  nothing.  It  appears  that  it  cannot  see  us  bodily  humans.  It  now  crouches  at  the  place  where 


the  boy  has  fallen  from  the  tree,  and  gives  the  impression  if  it  wants  to  go  to  sleep.  In  all 
seriousness,  it  must  be  the  soul  of  the  boy!' 

[7]  Said  the  father:  'Now,  fortunately  the  scapegoat  slaughter  proceedings  are  nearly  completed! 
Only  the  aphorism  (judgment]  over  those,  who  are  because  of  their  too  evil  sins  have  been  excluded 
from  this  general  cleansing  and  it  will  be  over!  Like  all  the  years:  always  the  same  old  story  -  for  me 
without  blessing,  power  and  use,  and  I  believe,  also  for  everybody  else!' 

[8]  Thereupon  the  father  was  quiet,  listened  to  the  judgment  and  was  quite  annoyed  when  the  first 
curse  was  imposed  over  the  Samaritans,  only  then  over  all  the  heathens,  over  the  Essenes,  Sadducee 
and,  and  in  a  lighter  way  also  over  unrepentant  incestuous  persons,  brother-,  father-  and  mother 
murderers,  animal  violators  and  adulterers  and  -  with  a  severe  judgment  -  at  the  end  over  the 
critics  of  the  temple  and  its  sanctums. 

[9]  After  this  certainly  not  edifying  ceremony,  at  which  each  curse  caused  the  garment  of  the  high 
priest  an  immense  tear,  all  retreated  back  to  the  city;  only  one  person,  who  was  probably  more 
deeply  affected  by  the  well-meant  curse  judgments,  kept  standing  at  the  pond,  which  was  not  far 
away  from  us  and  was  a  deep  hole  created  by  the  Jordan  river,  of  which  some  fools  drivel  that  this 
hole  with  a  diameter  of  about  one-hundred  man  lengths,  drained  all  the  water  from  the  Great  Flood 
from  the  whole  earth  within  one  year  and  a  few  days.  That  this  pond  is  very  deep,  is  true,  but  it  will 
surely  not  be  without  a  bottom. 

[10]  My  father  was  quite  suspicious  about  the  way  this  person  was  looking  so  very  glassy  and 
confused  into  the  black  pond  from  a  protruding  rock.  He  asks  me  if  I  could  see  anything  unusual 
around  this  man. 

[11]  I  said  as  it  was  the  full  truth:  'I  can't  see  anything;  however,  I  cannot  deny  that  I  do  not  like  the 
person  at  all!  I  believe  one  does  not  go  wrong  in  saying:  He  will  soon,  with  his  very  own  body, 
investigate  how  deep  the  pond  is!' 

[12]  I  give  it  to  you  as  faithfully  as  I  have  said  it  at  that  stage,  although  my  father  never  approved  of 
it,  when  I  started  to  joke  a  little  about  very  serious  matters  -  for  what  I  had  quite  a  special  talent. 
Therefore,  o  Lord,  be  also  merciful  with  me,  if  I  use  the  same  words  here  which  I  have  used  at  that 

[13]  I  (the  Lord]  said:  "The  way  you  speak  is  right;  since  I  want  it  like  that,  and  besides,  I  Myself 
place  so  to  speak  the  words  in  your  mouth!  Just  continue  to  speak;  all  are  listening  to  you  with  great 

[14]  And  Mathael  continued  to  speak  and  said:  "I  nearly  haven't  finished  speaking  the  last  word, 
when  the  person  raised  his  hands  and  said  loudly:  The  high  priest  has  damned  me  because  I  was  an 
Essene  and  have  left  the  temple,  to  learn  another  and  better  wisdom,  which  I,  however,  did  not 
found  there  just  as  little  I  couldn't  find  in  the  temple  of  Jerusalem  either.  But  I  have  ruefully 
returned  to  the  temple  and  have  prayed  and  sacrificed;  but  the  high  priest  rejected  my  sacrifice, 
scolded  me  a  worst  kind  of  temple  desecrator  and  cursed  me  forever,  by  tearing  his  garment  seven 
times.  Now,  through  this  general  cleansing  I  hoped  for  an  alleviation  of  his  curse;  I  only  waited  in 
vain  for  this!  He  only  confirmed  more  so  the  old  curse  and  made  me  a  damned  person  before  God 
and  the  people!  Hence,  I  am  cursed!  -  So  be  it  that  I  am  cursed!'  -  with  these  words  which  he 
screamed  exceedingly  loud,  he  threw  himself  from  the  cliff  into  pond  and  drowned."  (The  Great 
Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  81] 


The  condition  of  the  souls  of  the  two  people  who  were  killed 

[1]  (Mathael:]  "It  did  not  take  long  and  I  saw  something  like  a  gray  human  skeleton  floating  slowly 
on  the  surface  of  the  water,  accompanied  by  very  strange  looking  black  ducks.  There  number  was 
about  ten.  Only  the  feet,  but  only  below  the  ankles,  had  a  little  meat  on;  everything  else  was  skin 
and  fleshless  bones,  which  appeared  highly  odd  to  me.  In  the  beginning  the  floating  skeleton  had  its 
face  turned  upwards;  but  after  about  an  hour  it  turned  around,  started  like  a  skilful  swimmer  to 
work  with  hands  and  feet  and  seemed  to  defend  itself  against  the  black  ducks.  However,  they  were 
persistent  and  did  not  want  to  let  go  of  the  gruesome  looking  swimmer. 

[2]  In  this  way  the  puzzling  figure  drifted  for  an  hour  around  the  surface  of  the  pond  in  all  direction, 
sometimes  faster  and  then  slower  again,  even  dived  a  few  times  beneath  the  surface  and  appeared 
again.  I  would  have  taken  this  monster  for  a  water  animal,  if  my  father  also  could  have  seen  it;  but 
despite  exerting  his  otherwise  very  sharp  eyes  to  the  extreme,  he  nevertheless  couldn't  see 
anything,  which  had  me  to  believe  that  the  floating  dead  skeleton  must  have  been  something 
unnatural,  thus  soul-like  and  spiritual.  After  an  hour  it  was  completely  still,  and  the  black  ducks 
acted  as  if  nipping  some  last  pieces  of  flesh  from  the  skeleton. 

[3]  Since  nothing  happened  of  any  importance,  we  returned  to  our  monkey,  who  just  started  to  get 
up  and  tried  to  stand  on  the  two  hind  legs  and  even  to  walk  shakily.  But  the  walking  went  badly. 
Every  five  steps  the  being  sank  on  its  front  legs  to  the  ground,  but  quickly  got  up  again  and  all  the 
time  was  looking  around  in  all  directions,  and  from  the  appearance  of  eagerly  looking  around  one 
could  conclude  that  the  being  was  afraid  of  something  or  that  it  was  extremely  hungry  and  was 
looking  for  some  suitable  food.  With  these  walking-  and  standing  efforts  it  came  to  our  already 
mentioned  pond.  There  it  soon  saw  our  skeleton  which  floated  around  the  pond  in  the  society  of  the 
uncanny  ducks. 

[4]  When  our  monkey,  or  the  soul  of  our  fatally  injured  boy,  saw  the  skeleton,  it  yelled  a  loud 
whistling  cry  and  observed  the  skeleton  with  a  peculiar  attention.  After  about  half  an  hour  it  stood 
erect  just  like  a  human  and  I  could  clearly  discern  the  words  in  a  kind  of  lisping  voice:  This  was  the 
unfortunate  father  of  my  bad  body!  Woe  him  and  me;  since  the  wrath  and  judgment  of  Jehovah  has 
caught  up  with  us!  I  still  can  be  helped;  but  how  can  he  be  helped?' 

[5]  Here  the  monkey  paused  and  showed  a  very  sad  face,  while  in  the  pond  the  black  ducks  still 
quite  cheerfully  kept  teasing  and  chasing  the  skeleton  which  was  not  expressing  much  life.  This 
state  again  continued  for  half  an  hour  and  at  that  opportunity  all  the  people  had  left,  except  for  a 
few  Romans  and  Greeks,  who  however  were  consumed  in  a  business  discussion  and  did  not  at  all 
took  note  of  our  quiet  observations. 

[6]  My  father  was  asking  me  whether  I  could  see  anything  else.  I  said  no  and  said  shortly:  'Not  the 

[7]  Then  my  father  said  that  we  should  go,  since  everything  notable  and  see-worthy  was  taken  note 
of  and  anything  further  Jehovah  will  undertake  with  those  souls,  should  not  concern  us. 

[8]  But  I  said:  'Father,  we  already  spent  three  hours  with  those  two  souls  and  do  not  have  gained 
anything  except  a  quiet,  sad  spectacle  before  my  eyes;  let  us  spent  therefore  another  hour  -  perhaps 
something  interesting  will  still  come  up!'  The  father  was  with  my  recommendation  quite  content 
and  we  stayed.  After  a  few  moments  of  this  exchange  the  matter  suddenly  became  a  different  face. 


[9]  The  monkey  suddenly  full  of  rage  stood  completely  erect,  jumped  onto  the  surface  of  the  water 
and  started  to  catch  the  uncanny  ducks,  and  woe  for  each  he  managed  to  catch!  In  a  split  second  it 
was  torn  into  a  thousand  pieces!  Except  for  five  he  had  them  all  destroyed;  the  other  five,  however, 
flew  away. 

[10]  After  these  evil  ducks  disappeared  in  this  way,  the  monkey  lifted  the  skeleton  out  of  the  water 
and  placed  it  about  five  steps  away  from  the  pond  on  a  quite  nice  piece  of  lawn  where  I  could  see 
them  and  he  said:  'Father,  in  your  great  poverty,  can  you  hear  my  voice,  can  you  hear  my  word?' 
And  the  sitting  skeleton  nodded  with  the  apparent  skull  and  by  doing  so  gave  to  his  son  a  clear 
indication  that  he  was  able  to  understand  him. 

[11]  And  the  monkey  who  increasingly  took  on  a  more  human  appearance,  stood  up  as  if  he  had  a 
lot  of  power  and  said  with  a  voice  which  was  now  very  perceptible  to  me:  'Father!  If  there  is  a  God, 
there  can  only  be  a  good  and  just  God!  This  God  does  not  curse  nobody;  since  if  man  is  a  product  of 
this  God,  he  could  not  be  a  botch-up,  but  only  a  masterpiece!  However,  if  there  would  be  a  master 
who  in  all  seriousness  curses  his  work,  he  would  be  standing  below  the  worst  bungler;  since  even  a 
bungler  does  not  curse  his  own  work,  but  regards  its  as  something  good.  And  God  as  a  grandmaster 
of  all  masters  should  be  able  to  curse  His  own  work? 

[12]  Cursing  and  condemnation  is  an  invention  of  people  as  a  result  of  the  blindness  and  lack  of 
education  of  the  human  nature.  The  lapses  which  are  committed  by  a  developing  person,  are  tries 
for  the  independent  becoming  person  how  to  use  his  freedom  of  will,  and  the  actions  of  man  are  an 
exercise  for  determining  his  own  destiny  in  the  sphere  of  recognition  as  well  as  in  the  sphere  of  the 
free  will  in  a  certain  order,  which  is  set  through  all  the  endless  rows  of  the  great  creation  of  the  one 
wise  Creator,  and  that  only  in  such  an  order  an  existence  of  the  beings  for  temporary  and 
everlasting  is  and  can  be  conceivable. 

[13]  The  curse  of  man  is  an  evil  piece  from  his  dark  side;  they  destroy  themselves  and  their  fellow 
people  and  finally  cast  entire  nations  into  the  biggest  misery,  biggest  despair  and  in  all  desperation. 
You,  my  poor  earthly  father,  were  killed  by  the  tenfold  curse  of  the  high  priest,  although  you  have 
made  yourself  not  worthy  of  a  curse  by  God.  In  your  biggest  despair  you  have  taken  your  own 
temporal  bodily  life  and  now  you  are  here  as  a  saddest  product  of  a  pure  human  god-haughtiness; 
but  perhaps  I  have  received  mercy  from  God  and  the  necessary  insight  and  power,  to  remove  the 
tenfold  high  priest  curse  which  tormented  you  in  the  form  of  the  black  water  birds,  and  now  you 
are  in  the  open  and  on  dry  land.  But  I  will  do  now  everything  possible,  to  help  you  in  your  great 
misery  and  poverty,  as  much  as  my  life's  strength  allows  me  to!' 

[14]  During  this  speech  the  former  monkey  man  took  on  more  and  more  of  a  human  form,  and  at 
the  end  of  the  speech  the  person  had  fully  developed  into  a  quite  graceful  human  form  and  was 
dressed  like  from  the  air  with  a  light-gray  pleated  dress.  Next  to  him  something  was  lying  on  the 
ground  wrapped  in  a  cloth.  The  now  quite  beautiful  boy  unpacked  it  and  took  out  a  long,  but  dark- 
gray  shirt  and  said:  'Aha,  this  is  a  dress  for  you;  allow  me  to  dress  you  with  it!' 

[15]  The  skeleton  person  nodded  affirmative,  and  the  boy  put  the  dress  onto  him  in  an  instant  and 
bound  the  cloth  which  was  of  a  little  lighter  color  around  the  forehead  as  a  kind  of  turban,  and  the 
skeleton  thereby  became  somewhat  of  a  better  look.  The  now  very  brave  boy  grabbed  the  old  man 
under  the  arms  and  wanted  to  help  him  to  stand  erect;  but  he  did  not  succeed. 

[16]  After  a  couple  of  attempts,  the  boy,  already  the  size  of  a  youth,  called  with  a  penetrative  loud 
voice,  which  even  my  father  pretended  to  have  heard,  but  without  articulation:  'Jehovah!  If  You  are 


somewhere,  send  me  and  my  father  some  help!  He  has  not  sinned  but  their  greatest  sin,  of  those 
who  claim  for  themselves  a  divine  reputation  to  draw  even  more  respect  and  use  from  the  world, 
have  crushed  him  like  a  stone  falling  from  the  clouds,  and  now  he  lies  here  as  a  soul  condemned  by 
the  world!  Will  he  therefore  also  be  condemned  forever  by  You?  Give  him  at  least  a  skin  over  the 
apparent  bones!  Since  I  feel  very  sorry  for  my  father's  horrible  nakedness!  Help  Jehovah,  help!' 

[17]  Upon  this  call,  soon  two  mighty  spirits  appeared  and  touched  the  skeleton  at  the  temple.  In  an 
instant  it  got  tendons,  skin,  a  few  hairs  and  -  as  it  appeared  to  me  -  also  eyes,  but  very  empty  and 
deep  seated.  However,  no  one  of  the  two  spirits  said  a  single  word,  and  immediately  disappeared 
after  this  action. 

[18]  Thereupon  the  now  already  quite  pleased  looking  boy  tried  to  make  the  old  man  stand  on  his 
feet;  and  this  time  he  succeeded.  When  the  old  man  was  standing,  the  boy  asked  him  if  was  able  to 
walk.  The  old  man  affirmed  such  with  an  extremely  screamingly  hollow  voice;  but  the  boy 
immediately  grabbed  him  under  the  arms  and  both  moved  now  towards  the  south  and  became 
invisible  to  me."  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  82] 

Explanation  about  the  soul  in  the  beyond 

[1]  (Mathael:]  "These  were  the  two  histories  which  I  have  experienced.  What  happened  further 
with  those  two  in  the  spirit  kingdom,  I  surely  don't  know;  and  even  despite  Your  earlier  explanation 
I  also  do  not  understand  what  the  two  bats  mean  when  the  boy  was  falling  down  the  tree,  who  later 
melted  together  into  a  monkey  figure,  and  why  the  soul  of  the  self-murderer  appeared  to  me  as  a 
complete  skeleton  floating  around  the  surface  of  the  water.  From  where  came  the  ten  black  ducks 
and  why  did  they  tease  the  skeleton?  How  could  the  still  monkey-like  figure  of  the  boy  become  the 
master  of  the  birds?  What  do  the  dresses  mean,  from  where  was  it  coming,  and  what  was  its  effect 
on  the  two  different  souls? 

[2]  Yes,  there  would  be  other  things,  for  asking  a  lot  of  questions;  but  for  me  especially  these  points, 
about  which  I  have  made  known  my  lack  of  knowledge  through  the  questions,  are  of  a  particular 
interest,  and  about  which  a  merciful  explanation  would  be  quite  appreciated.  If  somebody  else  from 
us  also  wants  an  explanation  of  any  trifle  matter,  will  surely  be  allowed  to  ask  about  it?!" 

[3]  Said  Cyrenius:  "Friend,  during  those  your  stories  I  felt  quite  strange!  The  human  life  appears  to 
me  like  stream  on  top  of  a  plateau  flowing  quietly  and  harmlessly.  But  at  the  end  of  the  plateau,  the 
former  so  quiet  stream  dives  with  a  thundering  roaring  and  a  most  awful  seriousness  into  an 
unpredictable  depth  and  drills  itself  a  dreadfully  deep  bed,  but  does  not  find  any  rest!  Since  it  own 
falling  power  drives  it  further  and  further  away  from  its  rest  with  great  force,  and  it  must  flee  and 
flee,  until  somewhere  it  is  consumed  by  the  omnipotence  and  immeasurable  depth  of  the  sea. 

[4]  0  Lord,  for  our  consolation,  explain  to  us  such  frightening  moments  of  the  otherwise  beautiful 
life!  Just  take  the  person,  according  to  the  story  of  our  brother  Mathael,  who  jumped  into  the  pond, 
with  which  I'm  quite  familiar  with,  to  end  his  life  full  of  desperation.  What  frightening  change 
immediately  after  he  jumped!  What  uncertainty,  what  misery!  Therefore,  o  Lord  and  Master,  give  us 
a  comforting  explanation  about  everything  that  brother  Mathael  has  told  us  in  such  dreadfully 
faithful  manner!" 


[5]  I  said:  "Yes,  of  course  we  here  see  some  terrible  sad  looking  moments  of  life,  which  surely  are 
full  of  seriousness.  But  what  do  you  want  to  do,  to  rescue  a  life  which  has  been  totally  shredded  by 
the  influence  of  the  world  and  its  hellish  cravings,  and  with  time  put  the  life  back  on  the  right  path 
again,  so  that  it  doesn't  melt  away  completely?  Must  such  life  not  be  seized  with  all  seriousness? 

[6]  Yes,  it  is  true,  this  moment  of  seizure  really  is  highly  disgusting  for  the  spectator!  The  transition 
through  a  most  narrow  opening  is  of  course  not  so  pleasant  to  look  at,  as  at  the  face  of  a  completely 
healthy  maiden  bride;  but  it  guides  the  actual  person  into  life,  namely  into  a  true  and  forever 
indestructible  life!  And  for  that  reason  such  a  serious  moment  of  life,  finally  is  for  him  who 
understands  it,  more  comforting  than  the  smiling  spring  face  of  a  maiden  bride.  But  now  we  will  go 
over  to  the  explanation  of  that  what  we  have  heard  from  Mathael! 

[7]  Even  before,  Mathael  saw  two  big  bats,  flying  around  the  boy  when  he  fell  from  the  tree  and 
immediately  lying  dead  on  the  ground.  First,  the  boy  was  a  pure  descendant  from  this  earth. 
However,  the  pure  earth  children,  as  you  have  heard  by  many  of  My  explanations  and  also  clearly 
comprehended,  are  according  to  soul  and  body  composed  from  the  entire  organic  creation  of  this 
earth.  Proof  for  this  are  the  most  widely  different  types  of  food  for  the  body  consumed  by  humans, 
while  the  choice  of  food  for  animals  is  very  limited.  In  order  for  man  to  feed  all  intelligence  particles 
of  which  his  soul  is  composed,  with  the  corresponding  soul  food  from  the  natural  nutrients  he 
consumes,  he  is  able  to  take  in  such  a  wide  variety  of  food  parts  from  the  animal,  plant  and  also 
mineral  kingdom;  since  the  substantial  form  body  of  the  soul  is  fed  and  ripened,  just  like  the  flesh 
body,  by  the  consumed  natural  foods. 

[8]  Now  it  also  depends  from  which  preceding  creature  sphere,  according  to  climbing  levels,  a 
purely  earthly  person  has  received  his  soul.  And  it  is  then,  especially  with  children,  one  has  to 
consider  the  circumstances,  that  their  souls  still  carry  traces  of  those  pre-creature  types  in  them, 
from  which  the  human  form  initially  was  composed.  If  a  child  is  brought  up  properly  right  from  the 
beginning,  the  pre-creature  form  is  soon  transformed  into  a  human  form  and  more  and  more 
hardens  in  it.  However,  if  the  upbringing  of  a  child  is  neglected,  the  pre-creature  form  in  the  soul 
comes  more  and  more  to  the  foreground  and  even  draws  the  firmly  formed  body  to  the  said  pre- 
creature  form,  and  with  some  raw  people  it  is  quite  easy  to  recognize  which  form  undoubtedly 
predominate  their  soul. 

[9]  When  I  thus  said  earlier  that  the  boy  according  to  soul  and  body  purely  originates  from  this 
earth,  you  will  understand  with  regard  to  his  neglected  upbringing,  why  his  soul,  when  still  on  the 
tree  before  falling  down,  was  in  that  moment  visible  as  two  bats,  because  he  lapsed  into  a 
convulsive  unconsciousness  partly  due  to  too  strenuous  holding  on  to  the  tree  and  partly  by 
suffocating  by  the  thick  smoke,  which  kept  him  for  a  while  in  the  tree,  although  by  himself  already 
not  knowing  what  was  going  on. 

[10]  Since  as  long  a  soul  during  the  moment  of  dying,  is  not  completely  separated  from  its  body,  for 
as  long  is  it  completely  without  consciousness,  due  to  frightening  perturbation.  It  feels  like 
someone  who  is  bound  face  upwards  on  a  spindle,  which  rotates  with  extreme  speed.  He  can  look 
as  much  as  he  wants  to,  he  will  still  not  be  able  to  see  anything;  he  only  might  be  seeing  a  matt- 
colored  misty  circle  around  him,  which  by  increasing  rotational  speed  and  thereby  increasing 
unsteadiness  of  the  visual  organ  turns  into  a  complete  night. 

[11]  But  just  like  the  visual  organ  must  have  rest  to  look  at  an  object  to  see  what  it  is,  the  soul 
equally  requires  a  certain  inner  rest,  to  obtain  a  steady  and  bright  consciousness  of  itself.  The  more 
the  soul  is  disturbed  in  itself,  the  more  its  clear  self-consciousness  vanishes;  and  once  the  soul  is 


placed  in  a  state  of  highest  possible  unrest,  then  it  does  not  know  anything  about  itself  anymore, 
until  it  has  returned  to  a  state  of  rest  again.  And  this  moment  happens  to  dying  people  in  a  more 
severe  state,  the  more  the  soul  was  standing  on  a  lower  life  development  level.  Ah,  with  a  life 
perfected  soul  this  somewhat  sad  looking  state  does  of  course  not  take  place,  as  Mathael  has  seen 
this  quite  clearly  during  the  dying  moment  of  the  old  Lazarus,  since  his  soul  was  never  in  any  kind 
of  unrest. 

[12]  The  boy  on  the  tree  was  for  about  a  quarter  of  an  hour  bodily  nearly  completely  dead  and  did 
not  know  anything  about  himself;  his  soul  as  well  as  his  body  were  therefore  surrounded  by  the 
most  dense  darkness.  And  a  soul  which  gets  to  a  state  of  too  much  unrest,  starts  to  properly  divide 
itself  into  the  former,  smaller  and  imperfect  pre-life  creatures;  therefore  the  two  bats  were  visible. 
Only  after  the  boy  by  the  smashing  of  his  brain  lost  all  bonds  with  his  soul,  came  soon  more  rest 
into  the  destroyed  soul,  the  two  pre-creatures  seized  each  other,  and  soon  a  monkey  as  the  last  pre- 
creature  became  visible;  but  it  required  a  longer  rest  to  a  complete  seizing  itself,  and  even  more 
rest  until  recognizing  itself  again  and  gaining  its  self-consciousness.  This  is  why  it  crouched  for  a 
while  at  the  place  where  its  body  fell  from  the  tree,  more  according  to  instinct  than  knowing  what 
has  happened. 

[13]  Gradually,  consciousness  and  self-awareness  returned,  and  the  monkey,  looking  more  and 
more  human,  began  to  raise  itself  up.  Its  constantly  expanding  outer  life-sphere  enabled  it  to 
perceive  the  nearness  of  the  soul  of  his  perished  earthly  father.  He  left  the  spot  where  he  was 
crouching  and,  following  his  inner  promptings,  moved  over  to  the  pond  and  now  fully  recognized 
the  soul  of  his  father,  burdened  and  tormented  by  a  tenfold  human  curse. 

[14]  At  that  moment,  the  filial  love  awakened  in  him  and  with  it  also  the  question  about  God  and  His 
true  justice.  Moreover,  there  awakened  in  him  also  a  just  anger  against  the  curse  which  men  in  their 
boundless  pride  dare  to  fling  at  their  poor,  but  actually  much  better,  fellowmen.  With  this,  the  now 
much  more  perfected  monkey-man  became  aware  of  his  own  strength  to  take  it  up  with  the  ten 
curse-devils  which  in  the  form  of  black  ducks  tormented  his  father's  soul  unduly. 

[15]  With  this  increased  self-awareness  the  monkey-man  leaps  into  the  pond  and,  driven  by  the 
love  for  his  father,  begins  to  play  havoc  among  the  ten  curse-devils.  In  a  few  moments  they  are 
destroyed,  and  by  that  action  the  monkey-man  now  looks  almost  completely  human. 

[16]  Now  his  love  also  begins  to  take  new  roots  in  the  dead  soul  of  his  father.  This  fills  the  son  with 
even  more  love  and  strength  with  which  he  pulls  his  father  away  from  his  place  of  destruction  and 
perdition  and  onto  dry  land  where,  through  the  son's  love,  a  solid  resting-ground  for  the  father's 
future  existence  forms  and  is  found.  However,  as  the  son's  love  is  growing,  also  his  light  keeps 
growing.  Out  of  this  light,  he  recognizes  the  limitation  of  his  own  strength  and  now  properly  turns 
to  God,  asking  Him  to  help  his  father.  And  help  is  not  long  in  coming;  clothing  is  provided  and  the 
strength  to  move  on  to  a  better  and  more  perfect  life-sphere.  There,  the  father's  soul  is  nourished 
by  the  son's  ever  growing  love,  attains  once  more  a  spiritual  flesh  and  blood  and,  finally,  becomes 
able  to  recognize  God  and  enter  into  His  order  -  which  is  always  exceedingly  difficult  in  cases  of 
suicide."  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  83] 


Different  kinds  of  suicide 

[1]  (The  Lord:)  "However,  there  are  different  kinds  of  suicide.  The  worst  kind  is  when  someone 
takes  his  own  life  because  his  great  pride  has  been  too  much  humiliated  by  someone  else,  and  there 
is  no  possibility  for  him  to  take  revenge.  Such  kind  of  suicide  can  never  be  completely  amended  in  a 
soul.  It  requires  thousand  times  thousands  of  years  for  a  soul  to  be  brought  to  a  point  where  its 
withered,  loveless  phantom-bones  can  at  least  be  clothed  with  some  thin  skin,  let  alone  an 
incarnation  (Here  in  the  sense  of  a  full  wrapping  of  the  soul  skeleton  with  spiritual  'flesh']  of  its 
whole  being;  since  the  incarnation  is  actually  a  product  of  love  and,  in  turn,  awakens  love. 

[2]  If  somebody  looks  at  a  maiden,  who  is  very  completed  in  the  form  sphere  of  her  flesh  and  is  full 
of  voluptuousness,  he  is  immediately  through  and  through  seized  by  such  figure,  and  his  heart  will 
immediately  express  a  love-glowing  desire,  to  call  this  maiden  his  own.  Yes,  why  is  this  so?  Because 
the  maidens'  fully  developed  physical  appearance  is  a  product  of  a  lot  of  love!  The  material  which 
forms  the  basis  of  love  can  and  must  also  arouse  in  the  fellowman,  what  itself  is. 

[3]  If  we  however  are  going  to  another  maiden,  who  is  terribly  thin,  and  I  say  to  you,  that  she  will 
not  turn  on  anyone's  heart  in  a  passionate  manner;  secretly  one  will  feel  sorry  for  her,  but  it  will  be 
quite  difficult  for  anyone  to  fall  in  love  with  her.  Why  is  this  so?  Because  her  bones  are  covered  with 
too  little  of  the  material,  which  is  purely  a  product  of  love! 

[4]  A  soul  that  already  here  has  been  pure  love  appears  in  the  beyond  immediately  most  appealing, 
luxuriant  and  absolutely  perfect  where  its  form  is  concerned.  An  avaricious  and  very  selfish  soul, 
however,  appears  very  thin  in  the  beyond.  But  there  is  still  some  flesh  and  blood  left  because  such  a 
soul  has  at  least  love  for  itself,  whereas  a  self-murderer  is  also  completely  bare  of  this  love,  and  his 
soul  must  necessarily  appear  as  a  skeleton  in  the  beyond.  The  only  question  is,  whether  as  a  human 
or  some  animal  skeleton. 

[5]  We  have  already  mentioned  that  there  are  several  kinds  of  suicide,  and  I  have  dealt  in  detail 
with  the  worst  cases.  Well,  a  suicide  of  the  worst  kind  does  not  appear  in  the  beyond  in  the 
form  of  a  human  skeleton,  but  as  the  skeleton  of  a  dragon,  a  serpent  or  some  other  wild, 
ferocious  animal.  Why?  That  you  can  easily  think  for  yourself!  Such  a  soul  will  never  be  able  to 
fully  attain  its  life's  perfection. 

[6]  Then  there  are  those  who  committed  suicide  out  of  jealousy  because  of  a  virgin  who,  without 
her  own  fault,  preferred  another  to  the  jealous  fellow  who,  whenever  they  met,  tormented  her  with 
all  kind  of  reproaches,  accusing  her  of  infidelity  which  she  never  even  thought  to  commit.  Such  a 
self-murderer  arrives  in  the  beyond  as  the  skeleton  of  a  wolf,  dog  or  rooster,  because  the  inner 
nature  of  these  animals  guided  the  mind  and  will  of  such  a  jealous  fool,  since  as  pre-creatures  they 
are  representing  the  actual  main  traits  of  the  soul.  Also  these  kinds  of  self-murderers  will  someday 
find  it  very  difficult  to  attain  even  to  some  degree  the  perfection  of  life. 

[7]  Then  there  are  still  other  suicides  who  have  secretly  committed  a  bad  crime  which  they  know  is 
punishable  by  a  disgraceful  and  painful  death.  They  know  that  their  crime  must  come  to  light.  What 
does  then  usually  happen?  Driven  by  his  terrible  fear  and  his  justified  pangs  of  conscience,  such  a 
furtive  criminal  sinks  into  the  fullest  and  deepest  despair  and  kills  himself.  Such  a  soul  appears  in 
the  beyond  in  the  shape  of  the  skeleton  of  its  pre-creatures  such  as,  for  instance,  salamanders, 
lizards  and  scorpions,  which  are  all  huddled  together  in  a  heap  and  surrounded  by  a  glowing  wall, 
usually  in  the  shape  of  a  glowing  giant  serpent.  Also  the  glowing  wall  is  part  of  the  pre-creatures 
of  one  and  the  same  soul  and  forms  an  intelligence  element  of  the  same. 


[8]  In  short,  once  a  soul,  on  account  of  a  bad  upbringing,  has  become  devoid  of  all  love,  even  of  self- 
love,  the  whole  soul  is  permeated  by  hell  as  the  worst  enemy  of  life.  The  soul  in  itself  then  becomes 
an  enemy  of  its  own  life  and  being  and  always  endeavors  to  destroy  the  same  in  some  painless 
manner.  Being  thus  inimical  to  life,  in  the  end  life  itself  must  fall  apart,  and  such  a  soul  cannot 
possibly  appear  in  the  beyond  other  than  dissolved  into  its  individual  primordial  life-forms,  and 
even  then  only  in  their  fleshless  skeletons  which  carry  their  necessary  judgment  within. 

[9]  With  both  man  and  animal,  bone  is  that  part  which  is  under  the  most  judgment  and  most  devoid 
of  all  love.  Since  in  bones,  just  as  in  stone,  no  love  can  exist,  these  remain  in  the  end,  even  though 
only  as  substantial  soul  development  particles,  in  which  there  can  never  be  any  love.  But  it  is  still 
easier  for  human  bones  to  clothe  themselves  with  life  than  it  is  for  animal  bones,  let  alone  for  the 
skeletons  of  insects  and  the  gristle,  cartilage  and  bones  of  amphibious  animals. 

[10]  Now  you  can  imagine  what  will  happen  when  such  a  suicide,  as  described,  appears  in  the 
beyond  and  what  a  difficult  and  long-drawn-out  process  it  will  be  before  such  a  soul  can  even  begin 
to  assume  the  shape  of  a  human  skeleton  and  clothe  itself  with  a  skin  and  even  with  some  flesh. 

[11]  But,  inwardly,  you  are  now  asking  whether  such  a  soul  will  also  suffer  any  pain.  And  I  tell  you, 
at  times  the  worst  and  most  burning  pain,  and  at  other  times  none  at  all.  When  the  soul  is,  as  it 
were,  stirred  up  by  approaching  spirits  intending,  if  possible,  to  bring  it  back  to  life,  it  feels  a 
terrible,  burning  pain  in  all  its  parts;  but  as  soon  as  it  comes  to  rest  again,  it  has  neither  feeling  nor 
consciousness  and  does,  therefore,  not  feel  any  pain. 

[12]  There  are  still  many  more  kinds  of  suicide  which  are  not  so  detrimental  for  the  soul  as  the  two 
just  described.  However,  no  act  of  suicide  has  any  good  consequences  for  the  soul. 

[13]  The  case  described  by  Mathael  was  still  one  of  the  better  kind,  and  therefore  the  resuscitation 
and  rescue  of  that  soul  proceeded  quite  easily  and  quickly.  Nevertheless,  there  will  always  remain  a 
leak  in  such  a  soul,  consisting  therein  that  such  a  soul  can  hardly  ever  succeed  to  become  a  child  of 
God.  A  suicide  soul  can  hardly  ever  reach  the  first,  outer  most  and  thus  lowest  heaven,  not  even  its 

[14]  For  the  most  part  only  souls  from  all  other  worlds  attain  to  the  first  or  wisdom  heaven,  and 
from  this  earth  the  souls  of  those  wise  heathens  who  have  lived  a  decent  and  just  life,  yet  also  in  the 
beyond  do  not  wish  to  hear  of  My  person.  If,  however,  they  in  time  accept  some  of  this  knowledge, 
they  can  certainly  enter  into  the  second,  the  higher  or  middle  heaven.  But  they  cannot  ever  enter 
into  the  third,  the  inner  most  and  highest  heaven,  the  true  heaven  of  love  and  life.  For  there,  only 
those  will  enter  who  have  already  fully  succeeded  in  becoming  a  child  of  God." 

[15]  I  think  that  also  these  kinds  of  deaths  as  told  by  brother  Mathael,  have  been  explained 
sufficiently;  if,  however,  something  is  still  not  clear  to  someone,  he  or  she  is  free  to  ask.  There  are 
only  two  hours  left  before  the  sun  will  appear  above  the  horizon,  and  then  we  all  will  undertake 
something  completely  different.  Who  therefore  wants  something,  should  speak!" 

[16]  Say  all:  "Lord,  everything  is  clear  to  us;  since  with  such  living  manner  of  explanation  nothing 
can  be  unclear  to  anybody!"  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  84] 


The  widow  and  her  poisonous  sphere 

"[1]  Mathael  bows  and  immediately  begins  to  tell  the  following  memorable  death  case;  and  the 
story  is  as  follows:  "In  a  small  place  between  Bethlehem  and  Jerusalem  lived  a  strange  widow.  She 
was  married  twice.  The  first  husband  already  died  after  one  year.  With  him  she  had  one  daughter, 
who,  however  deaf  and  dumb  from  birth,  was  otherwise  fresh,  healthy  and  very  cheerful,  which  is 
seldom  the  case  with  deaf  and  dump  persons. 

[2]  After  being  a  widow  for  one  year,  a  second  quite  strong  man  courted  for  her  hand  and  married 
the  widow,  who  was  at  stage  still  very  beautiful.  But  the  man  did  not  last  much  longer  with  this 
woman  than  his  predecessor;  since  he  lived  only  for  two  years  and  a  few  months  and  died  just  like 
the  first  one  of  the  general  emaciation. 

[3]  This  scarred  off  all  the  other  men,  so  that  in  future  nobody  dared  to  court  for  her  hand.  With  the 
second,  quite  strong  man,  she  did  not  have  any  child  at  all,  while  the  deaf-mute  daughter  grew  up 
strongly  and  already  in  her  fifth  year  she  was  big  and  strong  like  nearly  no  other  girl  in  its  twelfth 
year,  had  a  very  beautiful  face,  and  every  man  looked  at  this  deaf-mute  girl  with  great  and  often 
already  quite  desirable  pleasure. 

[4]  The  widow  lived  afterwards  for  another  twenty  years,  remained  very  beautiful  and  even  quite 
attractive,  and  her  daughter  enchanted  every  man;  since  something  more  beautiful  and  more 
attractive  did  not  likely  existed  in  the  whole  Jewish  country!  This  girl  was  at  the  same  time  quite 
intelligent  and  quite  well  educated  and  by  way  of  sign  language  knew  how  to  communicate  with 
everybody  quite  well,  and  always  in  a  really  artistically  elegant  manner,  that  every  man  was  very 
happy  to  have  communicated  with  her.  Many  wanted  to  marry  the  girl,  but  since  according  to  law 
deaf-mute  people  were  excluded  from  marriage,  of  which  a  sensible  reason  still  eludes  me,  nothing 
could  be  done  in  this  regard. 

[5]  The  widow  was  quite  wealthy  and  owned  extended  properties,  and  as  such  many  servants  and 
maidens,  and  was  towards  poor  people  very  charitable.  The  woman  would  have  liked  to  be  married 
again;  but  since  nobody  courted  for  her  hand  anymore  and  the  woman  also  did  not  dare  to  look  at 
anyone,  out  of  fear  and  good  will  at  the  same  time,  not  to  become  the  murderess  of  a  third  man,  she 
stayed  single,  led  quite  a  moral  and  withdrawn  life  and  was  the  comforter  of  many  people  in 

[6]  At  one  stage  a  Greek  doctor  arrived  and  wanted  to  cure  her  from  her  odd  peculiarity;  but  she 
send  him  away  and  said  -  as  she  has  told  my  father  at  a  later  stage,  and  if  my  otherwise  good 
memory  does  not  deceives  me,  with  the  following  words  -:  'My  parents  were  good  and  god-fearing 
people,  and  as  a  girl  I  was  known  as  an  example  for  living  puritanically.  Prior  to  my  first  marriage  I 
never  have  recognized  a  man.  How  such  a  bad  property  could  have  entered  my  otherwise  well 
formed  body,  is  a  riddle  to  me;  I  am,  however  -  Jehovah  be  praised  above  all!  -  otherwise  very 
healthy  and  therefore  does  not  need  any  medicine.  It  is  thus  God's  will,  which  I  will  endure  with 
pleasure!  You,  pseudo  Aesculapius  (Aesculapius  was  the  Greek  and  Roman  god  for  the  art  of 
healing],  can  go,  otherwise  I  breathe  at  you,  and  you  are  also  hopelessly  lost,  irrespective  that  you 
are  a  doctor  and  want  to  help  me,  but  as  I  can  see,  you  are  not  even  able  to  cure  yourself  from  the 
hideous  cervical  goiter,  as  well  as  the  limping  of  your  left  foot!  A  doctor  should  himself  be  a  flawless 
and  healthy  person,  if  he  wants  to  help  the  sick!  The  freshness  and  full  healthiness  of  the  doctor 
must  give  the  sick  person  a  certain  confidence,  so  that  he  can  believe  that  the  doctor  knows 
something;  but  if  the  doctor  is  standing  there  as  a  cripple  himself  and  wants  to  help  a  healthy 


person,  he  should  be  laughed  at  hundredfold  and  if  he  becomes  obtrusive  in  a  home,  he  should  be 
expelled  immediately!' 

[7]  When  the  doctor  received  such  a  praising,  he  left  the  house  growling  and  grumbling,  but 
returned  after  one  year,  enquired  about  the  condition  of  the  beautiful  widow  and  started  to  court 
for  her  beautiful  hand. 

[8]  The  widow,  however,  became  impatient  and  breathed  from  a  distance  of  three  steps  towards 
the  doctor  and  said:  'Go  and  do  not  come  closer!  Since  you  walk  into  this  breath,  you  are  child  of 
death;  not  one  year  will  go  by  and  you  will  be  rotting  in  the  ground!' 

[9]  The  doctor  however  laughed  and  slurped  the  ejected  breath  with  joy  and  desire,  to  show  the 
beautiful  widow  how  little  he  was  afraid  about  the  trifling  poison,  since  he  was  convinced  that  it 
would  not  harm  him  at  all.  The  best  about  it  was,  that  also  the  widow  herself  did  not  believed  the 
slightest  what  she  was  saying,  but  only  used  it  as  a  threat,  because  the  people  were  spreading  such 
rumors  and  therefore  nobody  dared  to  come  too  close  to  her. 

[10]  However,  the  people  were  not  so  wrong  after  all.  If  this  our  widow  was  not  passionately 
excited,  her  breath  was  good  and  healthy;  but  as  soon  as  she  got  a  little  agitated,  it  was  not  possible 
to  keep  up  with  her.  Whoever  took  in  too  much  of  her  breath  did  not  live  longer  than  a  year  and  was 
a  child  of  death.  He  became  a  kind  of  emaciation  and  could  take  whatever  any  proven  wonder 
doctor  could  possibly  prescribe  to  him,  it  did  not  serve  any  purpose;  the  sickness  progressed  with 
an  iron  perseverance  and  the  sick  person  infallibly  became  its  victim!  And  this  also  happened  to  our 
Greek  doctor;  soon  afterwards  he  started  to  waste  away  and  within  eight  month  he  became  a  most 
wretched  and  totally  emaciated  corpse,  against  which  a  by  3,000  year  old  Egyptian  mummy  would 
still  look  quite  well  fed! 

[11]  Our  widow  soon  found  out  about  it  and  from  several  sides  it  was  whispered  to  her  that  she  will 
be  taken  to  court.  The  widow  was  very  much  disturbed  in  her  heart  by  this;  finally  she  herself 
began  ail  and  send  for  my  father,  who  of  course  took  me,  his  indispensable  seer  with  him,  to  get  to 
know  something  about  this  strange  woman  through  my  seer  gift.  With  some  care  we  came  to  the 
house  of  this  strange  woman  and  found  her  lying  completely  exhausted  in  a  bed.  Her  deaf-mute  but 
otherwise  in  all  seriousness  heavenly  beautiful  daughter  and  a  few  maids  were  with  her  and 
supported  her. 

[12]  It  should  be  noted  here,  that  her  strange  breath  only  effected  men,  but  was  not  harmful  to  any 
women  or  maidens. 

[13]  My  father  said,  when  he  came  in  to  the  room  holding  a  little  his  breath:  'Here  stands  the  called 
doctor  from  Jerusalem;  what  does  the  lovely  widow  wish  from  me?' 

[14]  Said  the  widow:  'What  else  does  a  sick  person  wants  from  a  doctor,  except  that  he  should  make 
her  well?!  Help  me  if  you  can!' 

[15]  Said  the  father:  'Allow  me  to  observe  you  for  a  while,  then  I  will  know  if  you  can  be  helped  or 

[16]  Said  the  widow:  'Do  what  you  think  is  right!' 

[17]  Thereupon  the  father  said  in  Roman  to  me:  'Pay  attention  if  you  are  able  to  see  anything 
around  here;  since  her  illness  must  have  a  very  special  reason!' 


[18]  I  immediately  tried  very  hard  to  see  something,  but  initially  was  not  able  to  see  anything 
spiritual  or  uncanny.  But  about  after  an  hour  I  noticed  a  bluish  smoke  developing  above  the  bed  of 
the  widow  and  asked  my  father  if  he  also  could  see  it.  He  denied  this  and  concluded  that  this  was 
already  something  unusual.  I  continued  my  observation  with  the  most  concentrated  attention  and 
discovered  within  the  blue  mist  a  great  number  about  finger  long  rattle-  and  grass  snakes,  which 
swam  inside  the  blue  mist  like  fish  in  the  water,  and  flashed  with  their  steellike  tongues  quite 
exceptionally;  but  none  of  the  many  beasts  moved  outside  the  so  to  speak  fixed  mist  circle.  I 
immediately  drew  my  father's  attention  to  it  and  told  him  my  opinion  that  it  was  not  at  all  advisable 
to  get  too  close  to  the  bed.  My  father  confirmed  this  my  opinion,  but  also  asked  me  at  the  same  time, 
whether  I  could  not  find  out  about  any  means  whereby  the  widow  could  be  helped."  (The  Great 
Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  86] 

Healing  with  the  poison  of  snakes 

[1]  (Mathael:]  "As  I  was  standing  there,  completely  turned  to  the  inside  of  me,  I  heard  a  voice  as  if 
someone  was  whispering  in  my  ear:  'Catch  a  rattle  snake  and  a  grass  snake,  chop  off  their  heads, 
cook  them  properly  and  give  such  soup  for  the  widow  to  drink,  and  show  her,  that  the  court  which 
she  so  endlessly  fears,  cannot  have  anything  against  her,  and  she  will  immediately  get  healthy 
again!  Should,  however,  someone  in  future  starts  to  waste  away  by  her  poisonous  breath,  see  to  it 
that  he  drinks  the  soup  of  the  said  snakes,  whereby  also  the  old  Aesculapius's  emaciation  can  be 
cured,  and  soon  he  will  recover  completely!  The  said  snakes,  however,  one  can  find  in  abundance 
on  the  southern  slopes  of  the  Horeb.' 

[2]  This  advice  which  I  very  clearly  heard,  I  conveyed  briefly  to  my  father.  He,  completely  beyond 
himself  with  joy,  said  immediately  to  the  widow  that  she  should  not  worry;  since  he  will  surely  help 
her.  However,  foremost  she  should  not  be  in  the  slightest  way  concerned  about  the  court  regarding 
the  Greek  doctor,  since  she  does  not  carry  any  guilt  about  his  death.  He  himself  was  quite  familiar 
with  Roman  law  and  does  not  know,  that  such  a  case  ever  was  suitable  for  prosecution. 

[3]  The  completely  serious  representation  of  the  innocence  of  the  widow  calmed  her  down  to  such 
an  extent,  that  the  bluish  smoke  above  her  bed  disappeared  completely,  what  I  immediately 
conveyed  to  my  father,  about  which  he  felt  a  lot  of  joy,  and  he  immediately  send  for  Horeb  for  the 
said  snakes.  There  lived  some  of  the  best  snake  catchers  and  -spellers,  and  within  a  few  days  a  few 
pieces  of  each  specie  arrived,  of  course  already  decapitated  and  properly  sealed  in  clay,  so  that  they 
properly  were  sealed  from  the  air,  and  were  prevented  from  decaying;  since  at  the  Horeb  a  kind  of 
fatty,  yellow  clay  could  be  found,  in  which  corpses  could  be  preserved  for  hundreds  of  years 
without  decaying. 

[4]  After  the  snakes  were  transported  on  a  camel,  a  section  of  them  was  cleaned  from  the  clay, 
depending  on  how  much  was  required  at  one  time,  and  then  put  on  a  fire  in  a  good  pot  and  cooked 
for  about  3  hours,  without  the  widow,  still  lying  in  bed,  knowing  anything  about  it.  The  time  from 
sending  a  request  for  the  medicine  to  Horeb  until  the  actual  cooking,  took  four  days,  during  which 
time  my  father  had  to  console  the  widow  a  couple  of  times  per  day  and  promised  her  a  full  recovery 
within  already  four  days.  Because  of  that  the  widow  day  by  day  became  visibly  better  and  already 
wanted  to  get  out  of  bed  on  the  fourth  day.  But  father  didn't  wanted  her  to  leave  the  bed,  keeping 
her  away  from  the  preparation  of  the  snake  brew;  because  if  she  had  seen  something  about  the 


preparation  the  healing  of  the  widow  would  become  highly  improbable.  By  keeping  her  in  bed,  she 
did  not  saw  anything,  and  when  my  father  handed  her  the  brew  to  drink,  she  drank  it  with 
noticeable  pleasure  until  the  last  drop  and  finally  admitted  that  the  brew-like  medicine  tasted  quite 

[5]  After  a  couple  of  hours  father  gave  her  another  final  portion  of  the  brew,  and  afterwards  the 
widow  started  to  feel  better,  so  that  it  was  nearly  impossible  to  keep  her  in  bed  for  the  fourth  day. 
But  on  strict  orders  from  father  she  had  to  stay  in  bed  at  least  for  also  half  of  the  fifth  day  since  we 
have  arrived  here,  after  which  she  left  the  bed  fresh  and  completely  recovered.  She  rewarded  my 
father  extremely  copiously  and  did  not  forget  about  me  either. 

[6]  When  we  departed  she  asked  my  father  confidentially  if  he  knew  the  Greek  doctor  and  if  he 
would  be  able  to  help  him. 

[7]  But  my  father  said:  'Yes  indeed,  I  have  known  this  wretched  charlatan  quite  well;  he  surely 
never  have  helped  anybody  -  except  into  the  grave!' 

[8]  With  this  remark  the  lovely  widow  was  quite  content  and  sent  us  on  our  way  with  a  lot  of 
goodwill.  Father  carefully  packed  the  remaining  sections  of  the  in  clay  preserved  snakes  and 
together  with  other  things  and  items  of  great  value,  tied  them  on  the  back  of  the  camel;  we  also 
mounted  our  dromedaries  and  travelled  quite  cheerfully  back  home. 

[9]  With  this  medicine  of  the  strangest  nature,  my  father  afterwards  had  healed  many  emaciating 
sick  people,  thereby  earning  a  lot  of  money  and  a  famous  name.  Of  course,  because  of  that,  he  was 
not  very  much  favored  by  the  temple  clerics  and  also  not  by  the  Essenes;  but  instead  the  Romans 
respected  him  even  more,  gave  him  all  protection,  elevated  his  art  and  science  up  to  the  stars  and 
gave  him  the  honorary  name  Aesculapius  Junior.  Whenever  the  snakes  were  used  up,  my  father 
immediately  ordered  a  new  shipment  from  Horeb  and  cured  with  it  the  emaciating,  of  which,  in  all 
seriousness,  nobody  died."  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  87] 

Death  of  the  widow  and  her  daughter 

[1]  (Mathael:]  "A  few  years  have  passed  since  the  healing  of  the  widow,  without  us  hearing  anything 
about  our  widow.  Suddenly,  one  early  morning,  precisely  on  a  Sabbath,  a  messenger  from  our 
widow  appeared  and  requested  the  father  to  be  on  his  way  as  soon  as  possible;  since  the  known 
widow,  together  with  her  daughter,  all  of  a  sudden  fell  ill  to  such  an  extent,  that  nobody  out  of  the 
circle  of  deeply  saddened  neighbors,  dared  to  think  about  her  recovery. 

[2]  That  we  upon  this  news  were  soon  on  our  dromedaries,  despite  the  Sabbath,  goes  without 
saying,  and  that  father  did  not  forget  to  take  along  the  right  quantum  of  the  strange  medicine  is  also 
self-evident;  since  he  quite  naturally  was  of  the  opinion,  that  the  widow  fell  into  a  relapse  of  her 
previous  illness,  as  this  was  not  too  seldom  the  case  with  this  kind  of  sickness,  and  every  doctor 
knows  that  a  relapse  of  an  old  illness  is  much  more  stubborn  than  the  first-time  appearance. 

[3]  After  a  couple  of  hours  we  arrived  at  the  familiar  house.  But  already  from  a  half  hour  walking 
distance  I  noticed  that  the  whole,  large  dwelling  was  covered  in  a  thick,  blue  smoke;  and  the  closer 


we  came  to  the  well-known  house,  the  more  clearly  I  could  see  the  already  familiar  beasts 
swimming  inside  the  blue  mist.  'Stop',  I  said  to  father  when  we  were  still  about  sixty  steps  away 
from  the  house,  'for  the  sake  of  our  bodily  safety  we  should  not  go  one  step  closer,  if  we  do  not  soon 
want  to  become  a  victim  of  death;  since  the  evil  blue  mist  with  its  extremely  uncanny  inhabitants  is 
now  wrapped  around  the  whole  house!' 

[4]  My  father,  now  completely  puzzled,  suddenly  stopped.  He  sent  the  messenger  into  the  house  of 
the  two  sick  people,  so  that  he  could  bring  him  news,  in  which  state  the  two  were.  The  messenger 
immediately  hurried  to  the  house  and  found  both  unconscious  and  in  a  full  struggle  with  the 
relentless  death. 

[5]  When  father  heard  this  from  the  messenger,  he  said  to  him:  'Friend,  I  cannot  perform  miracles, 
and  as  such  I  have  no  other  choice  but  to  turn  around,  and  the  quicker  the  better!  Since  it  is  not 
advisable  to  come  too  close  to  both  of  these  sick  people!' 

[6]  But  the  messenger  asked  us  that  we  should  stay  for  another  hour;  since  one  could  not  know  for 
certain,  if  these  two  could  not  regain  their  conscience  again. 

[7]  Said  the  father:  'You  of  course  not,  but  the  more  certain  I  know  about  it!  Everything  in  this  world 
does  quite  often  have  in  a  wide  circle  around  itself  certain  signs,  from  which  someone 
knowledgeable  with  great  certainty  can  conclude,  how  a  case  or  thing  is  made  up;  and  the  same  is 
also  here  the  case!  I  even  can  recognize  it  from  the  house  that  both  of  them  will  and  cannot  live 
longer  than  one  hour!  Here  every  rescue  attempt  could  be  called  futile! 

[8]  All  of  you  male  servants  of  this  house,  look  for  rattle  and  grass  snakes,  chop  of  their  heads,  clean 
them  and  cook  them  and  drink  the  brew  several  times,  otherwise  you  all  will  die  within  one  year  of 
total  emaciation;  since  the  odor  of  those  two  female  beings,  which  you  do  not  know  about,  is  of  such 
nature  that  every  man,  who  especially  now  is  getting  too  close  to  them  and  is  captured  by  it,  will  at 
the  most  not  longer  than  a  year  and  half  from  now  turn  into  a  complete  mummy!' 

[9]  The  messenger  thanked  for  this  advice  and  wanted  to  give  valuable  presents  to  my  father;  but 
the  father  did  not  accept  anything  and  started  to  turn  the  dromedaries  and  the  pack  camel  around, 
a  work  which  is  always  not  that  easily  accomplished  with  these  animals,  especially  when  they  were 
exhausted  and  hungry.  Father  always  was  a  little  irritated  with  the  turnaround  of  our  carriers,  but 
this  time  it  was  to  both  our  advantage.  Since  if  our  animals  had  quickly  submitted  to  our  will,  we 
both,  especially  I,  would  have  missed  out  on  one  of  the  most  memorable  scenes. 

[10]  In  time  the  blue  mist  increased  at  least  by  half,  raised  soon  above  the  whole  big  house  like  a 
giant  ball  and  was  filled  not  only  by  the  two  snake  species,  but  with  an  exceedingly  large  amount  of 
all  kinds  of  nasty  and  among  others  also  very  gentle  natured  creatures.  They  flew  around  the  giant 
ball  like  cranes  when  leaving  the  ground.  However,  the  whole  ball  hang  on  only  two  weak  looking 
strings  or  better  straps.  The  one  somewhat  smaller  half  of  the  ball  was  somewhat  lighter  than  the 
other  half. 

[11]  It  seemed  very  odd  to  me  that  a  quite  strong  early  evening  wind  was  not  able  to  cause  the 
slightest  disturbance  to  the  hanging  balloon.  While  I  looked  at  the  appearance  in  amazement  and 
reported  everything  to  my  father  in  the  Roman  tongue,  I  finally  discovered  increasingly  more 
examples  of  greater  animals  like  rats,  mice,  rabbits,  chicken,  doves,  geese,  lambs,  goats,  hares,  roe 
deer,  stags,  gazelles  and  a  great  number  of  other  animals,  fully  developed  floating  inside  the  large 


[12]  The  father  noted  to  me:  'Son,  are  you  speaking  the  full  truth?  Since  this  story  is  getting  a  little 
out  of  hand!' 

[13]  But  I  strongly  confirmed  to  father  that  I  only,  as  always,  tell  him  what  I  clearly  see  before  my 
eyes  and  not  one  word  more  and  also  not  one  word  less.  Father  then  was  quiet  and  paid  great 
attention  to  each  of  my  words. 

[14]  When  I  looked  at  this  most  bizarre  picture  of  an  once  in  a  lifetime  experienced  appearance 
more  intensely  and  with  greater  excitement,  the  two  straps  on  which  the  great  ball  seemed  to  be 
connected,  suddenly  sheared,  and  now  there  were  floating  suddenly  two  large  separated  balls, 
about  two  man-heights  above  the  house.  The  continuously  increasing  stronger  wind  did  not  move 
them  at  all;  like  build  the  two  balloons  floated  above  the  large  dwelling. 

[15]  I  did  not  saw  any  about  the  vermin  animals  in  the  separated  balloons  anymore,  of  which  the 
one  seemed  a  little  smaller  and  was  also  more  brighter  than  the  larger  one;  the  smaller  one  also 
contained  a  mixture  of  all  kind  of  more  gentle  animals,  while  the  bigger  one  also  contained  wolves, 
bears  and  a  lot  of  foxes,  which  alongside  the  many  gentle  animals  quite  peacefully  floated  up  and 
down.  It  was  also  strange  that  I  could  see  everything  as  clearly  as  if  it  was  illuminated  by  the 
midday  son,  despite  it  already  being  significantly  dark  dusk."  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9, 
chap.  88] 

Development  of  the  souls  of  the  two  deceased  women 

[1]  (Mathael:]  "For  about  half  an  hour  the  position  remained  the  same;  but  afterwards  the  situation 
started  to  change  considerably.  The  reason  for  it  was  a  quite  naturally  looking  swarm  of  magpies 
flying  by;  there  probably  might  have  been  one-hundred  or  so.  They  started  to  disturb  both  balloons 
to  a  considerable  extent.  The  many  creatures  began  to  amalgamate  and  soon  in  both  balloons  only 
two  gigantic,  gray-white  eagles  could  be  seen,  who  snapped  quite  aggressively  at  the  magpies 
pecking  at  them.  Woe  one  of  them  which  was  caught;  it  immediately  disappeared  from  its  balloon- 
teasing  existence!  This  story  did  not  take  too  long  -  and  all  the  magpies  were  consumed! 

[2]  When  I  faithfully  told  this  my  father,  he  said:  'Yes,  it  certainly  looks  like  if  these  were  the  souls  of 
both  the  dead!?  Look  at  the  scene  more  carefully  and  tell  me,  whatever  you  see;  since  truly,  such 
strange  death  scene  you  have  never  told  me  before!' 

[3]  Said  I:  'Father,  what  I  see  I  immediately  convey  to  you!  The  balloons  are  just  becoming  smaller 
and  the  gigantic  eagles  are  changing  into  -  bluntly  said  -  two  cows  but  without  horns  and  I  see  a 
perfect  human  at  the  scaffolding  of  the  roof  climbing  up  and  down,  holding  in  each  hand  a  bundle  of 
hay;  he  certainly  does  not  intend  to  feed  the  cows  with  it?  Right!  Both  cows  have  floated 
downwards  so  that  they  quite  easily  reach  the  hay  with  their  tongues;  and  now  they  quite  casually 
consume  the  hay!' 

[4]  In  such  a  way  I  told  father  immediately  what  I  saw.  After  consuming  the  hay  the  person  on  the 
gable  of  the  roof  disappeared;  but  soon  their  came  another  who  did  not  have  the  slightest 
resemblance  with  the  first  one,  carrying  two  buckets  of  water  and  gave  the  water  to  the  cows  to 
drink,  and  both  cows  drank  the  water  to  the  last  drop. 


[5]  After  this  appearance  also  the  second  person  disappeared  with  the  buckets;  but  soon  afterwards 
the  cows  started  to  rotate  with  great  speed  in  a  circle.  The  former  misty  balloons  became 
completely  invisible  and  because  of  the  quick  rotation  I  could  not  make  out  the  form  of  both  beings 
anymore.  However,  during  this  rotation  the  beings  became  increasingly  brighter  and  finally 
reached  the  illumination  of  a  setting  moon. 

[6]  Soon  the  rotation  stopped  and  in  place  of  the  former  cows  floated  two  somewhat  meager 
looking  human  figures.  Since  their  backs  were  turned  to  us,  I  could  not  make  out  the  gender;  but 
judging  from  the  height  it  were  most  likely  two  female  figures. 

[7]  After  a  while  of  a  quarter  of  an  hour  I  again  saw  a  human  being  climbing  onto  the  gable  of  the 
roof  with  two  bundles  and  handed  each  of  the  two  figures  a  bundle.  The  bundle  bearer  immediately 
disappeared  again  and  both  figures  quickly  untied  the  bundles,  took  from  it  a  light-gray  pleated 
dress  and  in  one  moment  covered  their  bodies  with  it;  only  now  I  recognized  with  certainty  that  the 
two  figures  were  in  fact  those  of  the  strange  widow  and  her  deaf-mute  daughter.  They  looked  quite 
starved  but  nevertheless  it  was  undoubtedly  them! 

[8]  When  they  were  standing  as  perfect  female  figures  at  the  roof  gable  in  front  of  my  view,  the  two 
male  figures  in  light  green  coats  reappeared  on  the  roof  again  and  waved  to  the  two  to  follow  them, 
what  the  two  also  did  without  the  slightest  refusal. 

[9]  They  travelled  towards  midday.  Soon  they  disappeared  completely  from  my  view;  thereupon  I 
heard  the  clear  words:  To  God  the  Lord  alone  all  thanks  and  all  praise  and  all  honor  for  saving 
these  two  poor  beings!' 

[10]  Who  had  spoken  those  words,  I  don't  know;  but  I  heard  them  very  clearly!  They  could  not  have 
come  from  those  two  male  figures,  since  they  were  already  long  gone.  Somebody  somewhere 
behind  me  must  have  spoken  these  words.  But  how,  is  an  entirely  different  issue! 

[11]  Whoever  had  spoken  them,  it  has  very  little  to  do  with  the  whole  story;  but  that  the  words 
were  good  and  contained  a  lot  of  meaning,  is  certain!  Since  both  beings  have  all  in  all  lived  good  and 
virtuous,  were  very  charitable  towards  the  poor  and  on  top  of  that  also  very  God-fearing,  why  it  is 
difficult  to  understand,  why  the  voice  has  especially  for  the  rescue  of  this  widow  and  her  deaf-mute 
daughter  given  thanks,  praise  and  honor  to  God.  This  voice  therefore  must  have  known  more,  what 
my  mind  was  able  to  comprehend. 

[12]  You,  o  Lord,  does  know  anyhow,  what  will  remain  to  us  a  riddle  regarding  this  death  case!  I 
therefore  does  not  want  to  ask  any  particular  questions  about  the  whole  matter,  since  the  whole 
story  from  alpha  to  omega  is  a  question;  therefore,  o  Lord,  rather  explain  everything  since  I  don't 
know  where  to  begin  to  ask!  Already  the  illness  was  on  its  own  quite  puzzling,  not  to  mention  the 
appearances  during  and  after  their  death!  The  rising  of  the  apparently  soul-like  bluish  steam  above 
the  whole  house,  the  animals  therein,  finally  the  separation  of  the  one  large  balloon  into  two 
smaller  ones,  the  teasing  magpies,  the  gigantic  eagles,  the  transformation  of  them  into  cows  without 
horns,  etcetera  -  in  short,  everything  is  a  fable,  which  cannot  believed  by  anybody  if  told  by 
someone  in  a  light-hearted  manner!  If  therefore  You,  o  Lord,  could  most  mercifully  make  this  story 
a  little  more  transparent  to  us;  since  up  to  now  between  it  and  me  is  hanging  more  than  the 
threefold  blanket  of  Moses!"  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  89] 


The  poison  in  minerals,  plants,  animals  and  man 

"[1]  I  said:  "Is  this  story  to  all  of  you  equally  unclear?" 

[2]  All  affirmed  this  question  and  asked  for  an  explanation. 

[3]  And  I  said  to  all:  "You  have  read  about  the  children  of  the  snake  and  act  with  this  story  as  if  you 
are  completely  lightless!  See,  on  this  earth  there  are  poisonous  minerals,  poisonous  plants  and  also 
poisonous  animals  known  to  you!  The  poisonous  minerals  are  very  toxic,  the  poisonous  plants  to 
the  largest  part  and  the  poisonous  animals,  with  regard  to  their  whole  being,  only  to  their  smallest 
part.  But  you  also  have  heard  that  the  souls  of  the  people  of  this  earth  are  a  conglomerate  of 
mineral,  plant  and  animal  souls.  This  is  a  matter  which  I  already  quite  often  have  explained  to  you, 
although  I  only  have  spoken  more  in  general  than  specifics  and  until  now  have  not  shown  any 
special  exceptions;  but  this  is  such  a  special  exceptional  case,  and  I  want  to  make  you  all  more 
familiar  with  it. 

[4]  You  all  know  the  just  and  true  order  of  God,  but  also  are  familiar  with  the  exceptions  with  it;  you 
can  think,  feel  and  sense  them!  However,  what  you  can  do,  also  God  can;  He  surely  knows  His 
everlasting  order  in  the  best  and  clearest  manner,  but  in  addition  also  all  the  possible  and  most 
diverse  exceptions  and  violations  of  this  order,  must  therefore  also  be  able  to  think  and  deeply  feel 

[5]  Yes,  God  must  even  place  in  the  free  and  independently  becoming  creatures  who  also  want  to 
become  free,  especially  in  angels  and  people  of  this  earth,  as  you  know,  the  stimulus  for  an  anti- 
order,  so  that  there  from  for  the  named  a  true,  freely  acting  self-determination  can  become  a 
truthful  reality.  From  this,  however,  it  is  clear,  that  the  anti-order  must  be  just  as  well  known  to  God 
as  the  good,  true  and  living  order. 

[6]  The  thoughts  and  feelings  of  the  anti-order  in  God  as  well  as  in  man  among  the  orderly  thoughts 
and  feelings  are  corresponding  to  the  poisonous  minerals,  poisonous  plants  and  poisonous  animals. 
Since,  however,  they  are  also  God's  thoughts  and  God's  feelings,  they  cannot  disappear,  but  also  stay 
in  the  form  of  fiery -tongue  primordial  intelligence  formations,  can  as  related  seize  each  other  in  the 
negative  sphere  and  form  a  separate  string  of  beings. 

[7]  From  this  primordial  source  the  greatest  part  of  the  whole  physical  and  judged  creation  actually 
originated.  However,  since  this  is  destined  to  serve  the  spiritual  creatures  not  only  as  a  testing  life 
poison,  but  also  as  a  salutary  life  balm  when  used  orderly,  the  order  is  also  arranged  to  such  an 
extent,  that  the  too  anti-order  primordial  substantial  thoughts  separate  from  the  much  less  anti- 
order  and  as  already  mentioned,  form  a  poisonous  string  of  beings  in  all  three  realms  of  the  visible, 
outer,  physical  nature  of  things. 

[8]  At  first  the  poisons  are  in  the  coarsest  matter  of  the  minerals,  then  they  are  getting,  already 
somewhat  softened,  into  the  therefore  suitable  plants,  and  already  reduced  to  a  trifle  they  are 
becoming  dangerous  in  the  better,  thus  positive  outer  life  of  certain  low  level  animal  species,  and 
can  even  under  certain  conditions  injure  the  inner,  very  positive,  true  life,  but  not  destroy  it. 

[9]  Now,  the  soul-specific-potencies  of  these  poisonous  beings  inclusive  their  intelligence  ability 
finally  seize  each  other,  and  in  the  end  they  also  become  a  form,  but  only  a  female  form,  which  then 
of  course  does  not  exists  without  a  quite  dangerous  portion  of  poison.  These  souls  are  finally  also 


getting  on  the  road  of  the  flesh  by  way  of  the  known  act  of  fathering.  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book 
9,  chap.  90) 

The  poisonous  condition  of  the  widow  and  her  daughter  (explanation) 

[1]  (The  Lord:]  "Once  such  a  soul  is  living  in  the  flesh,  it  places  its  poison  into  the  flesh  and  blood  of 
its  own  body,  which  does  not  really  affect  the  body  health  wise  in  its  life  sphere  too  much,  since  it 
has  been  arranged  to  such  an  effect  from  the  primordial  beginning. 

[2]  But  for  a  person  originating  from  the  positive  order,  it  is  never  advisable  to  come  too  close  to 
such  a  person;  although  it  cannot  really  harm  his  soul,  it  can  harm  his  body  since  it  has  not  been 
suited  for  the  absorption  of  such  poison.  And  now  we  are  standing  close  to  our  widow  again! 

[3]  Her  otherwise  quite  good  and  in  a  good  order  passing  soul  has  deposited  its  poisonous 
primordial  element  in  the  spleen  and  liver  of  her  body,  which  behaves  quietly  and  as  such  harmless, 
as  long  she  is  not  excited  by  anything  in  a  passionate  manner;  but  once  such  a  truly  poisonous 
person  has  become  excited,  it  is  for  every  man  high  time  to  immediately  withdraw  from  her 
poisonous  sphere. 

[4]  Since  this  poison  residing  inside  her  body  is  of  a  nerve-ether  nature,  it  penetrates  the  person's 
outer-life-sphere.  Who  merges  his  own  nerve-ether  with  the  impregnated  poisonous  sphere  by 
inhaling  or  prolonged  close-by  presence,  is  bodily  lost,  especially  if  he  does  not  know  about  the 

[5]  Now,  the  antidote  would  be,  if  not  all  the  nerves  have  already  been  too  much  irritated,  the  said 
brew;  at  the  same  time  such  animals  should  be  suffocated  in  a  large  jar  filled  with  olive  oil  and 
simultaneously  with  drinking  the  brew,  the  whole  body  should  be  rubbed  quite  well  with  the  snake 
oil.  Only  thereby  a  complete  recovery  can  take  place,  because  the  poison  resting  in  the  nerves  partly 
unites  with  the  primordial  element  of  the  brew  in  the  stomach  or  with  those  resting  in  the  oil  and 
thus  is  unable  to  re-effect  the  nerves  and  cannot  be  harmful  to  them  anymore. 

[6]  When  you,  Mathael,  were  requested  to  visit  her  the  first  time  with  your  father,  the  widow 
became  ill  by  her  own  poison  because  the  Greek  doctor  has  excited  her  too  much  and  could  have 
died  at  that  stage  just  as  well  as  later;  since  it  is  very  seldom  that  such  poisonous  people  die 
because  of  any  other  illness  rather  than  their  own  poison. 

[7]  The  visible  blue  mist,  in  which  a  number  for  you  unlikeable  animals  swam  around,  was  such  a 
release  of  the  poisonous  ether  and  by  its  visible  inhabitants  it  clearly  expressed  who's  spiritual 
product  it  was. 

[8]  When  your  father  by  his  clever  eloquence  considerably  calmed  down  the  inner  very  excited  fear 
of  the  widow,  the  evil  ether  withdrew  again  to  the  calmed  spleen  and  liver;  but  the  excess  hardened 
in  the  gall  of  the  stomach,  was  finally  after  four  days  totally  adsorbed  by  the  said  brew  and  excreted 
by  the  natural  process,  and  the  widow  thereupon  fully  recovered.  But  the  voice  which  told  you 
about  the  antidote  came  from  a  spirit  who  was  one  of  the  spiritual  protectors  of  the  widow. 


[9]  But  when  you  and  your  father  were  called  for  the  second  time,  the  widow  had  a  strong 
annoyance  because  of  her  deaf-mute  daughter,  who,  despite  her  deaf-muteness,  quite  strongly 
began  to  fall  in  love  with  a  somewhat  playful  person.  Thereby  the  poison  of  the  widow  and  her 
similar  natured  daughter  was  too  intensely  excited;  both  were  like  bitten  by  thousand  of  the  most 
poisonous  snakes  in  all  their  life  nerves,  and  from  this  moment  on,  no  bodily  cure  was  possible  - 
except  of  course  by  My  power  it  would  still  be  possible.  Because  of  the  great  excitement  both  souls 
nearly  completely  dissolved,  which  means,  they  dissolved  into  their  primordial  elements  and 
expanded,  occupying  necessarily  a  larger  space,  high  and  above  the  house  in  which  both  were  lie 

[10]  When  the  total  separation  from  the  body  occurred  and  after  subsequent  further  calming  the 
primordial  elements  inside  the  life-mist-ball  belonging  together  began  to  recognize  each  other 
again,  and  the  former  intertwined  balloon  divided  into  two  separate  balloons  of  which  the  bigger 
contained  the  life  primordial  elements  of  the  widow  and  the  smaller  those  of  the  daughter. 
However,  the  life  primordial  elements,  by  now  already  calmed  down  considerably,  recognized  each 
other  more  and  more,  seized  each  other,  and  immediately  a  higher  level  animal  species  became 
visible  inside  the  balloon. 

[11]  When  in  the  ball  of  life  and  in  its  inner  forms  again  more  calm  took  place,  the  former  soul 
forms  recognized  each  other  more  closely  and  transformed  into  two  female  eagles.  Soon  you  saw  a 
swarm  of  magpies  disturbing  the  balloons;  these  were  the  outer  life  spirits,  which  also  had  to  unite 
with  the  two  souls.  When  this  happened,  visible  to  you  in  a  corresponding  manner,  immediately 
two  cows  appeared.  This  would  already  be  close  to  man;  but  something  of  the  primordial  elements 
were  still  lacking. 

[12]  The  two  male  souls,  who  were  the  former  husbands  of  the  widow,  recognize  this  lack  and  bring 
it  according  to  good  order.  Then  a  new  life  appears  in  the  cow  forms,  everything  is  becoming  mixed 
up,  through  which  a  new  organic  order  originates,  and  soon  two  new  perfect  human  figures  appear. 
They  are  embraced  by  the  two  male  souls  with  love,  and  this  love  immediately  forms  the  just 
primordial  material  for  corresponding  clothing,  and  so  the  former  much  divided  souls  again 
become  forever  complete  human  forms,  equipped  with  the  necessary  recognition,  what  is  clearly 
indicated  by  the  departure  towards  the  evening. 

[13]  But  the  last  thanking  voice,  which  you,  Mathael  heard  at  the  end,  was  again  the  same  protective 
spirits,  which  gave  to  you  two  years  earlier  the  right  antidote  to  heal  such  illness.  The  spirit 
recognized  the  great  difficulties  which  were  required,  to  create  from  a  direct  anti-order  a  truly  and 
heavenly  order;  since  also  there  one  can  turn  with  a  little  poison  a  lot  of  balm  into  poison,  but  it  is 
nearly  impossible  to  turn  a  lot  of  poison  with  only  a  little  balm  into  a  healing  balm.  Only  by  God 
everything  is  possible,  and  therefore  the  last  call  for  thanks  by  the  protective  spirit  to  God  the  Lord! 

[14]  Have  you  understood  all  this  properly?  To  whom  something  is  still  unclear,  should  ask,  and 
there  will  be  light  for  him!"  (The  Great  Gospel  of  John  Book  9,  chap.  91)